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    He walked with such a pep in his step as he jumped down the last few step towards the kitchen. "Hey! Tara, please tell me me, you'll watch a movie with me!". Tara turned around at the sound of his voice "did you really sneak in through my window to ask me that?".

He smiled as he leaned into the counter "technically I snuck in through Sam's window... it's never locked and I'll have you know. You have a very slippery roof, and well I almost died tragically".

He threw his head backwards for dramatic effect and Tara laughed. "I would love to watch a movie with you Alex but I'm busy tonight".

He let out a soft hum "oh yeah? You and Amber finally having a date night? I know last time was canceled but hey maybe this time it'll work out".

"No Ambers busy tonight, besides her parents wouldn't let her come over when I asked". Alex looked at the stove "I see you're at least being productive and cooking for yourself".

Tara grinned lightly as she grabbed a wooden spoon out of a drawer. "It's just pasta, I'm pretty sure most of the world population can make pasta".

Alex shrugged his shoulders "not me, I burned the water last time I made pasta, I was fourteen and Samatha insisted on spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. I burned my hand and the damn pasta water and the noodles broke and there was meatballs all over the floor, it was a disaster".

Tara laughed "really?" he nodded as he grabbed the wooden spoon from her grasp "I can at least stir it, that's all I'm good at when it comes to cooking".

He stirred the pasta and the phone ringed loudly "gosh why does my mother still have such an old phone? I mean who even uses home phones anymore?". Alex turned "old people, but hey my parents have one too! So it's not just you".

Tara smiled as she grabbed the phone "hello?" Alex kept stirring the pot and Tara kept talking until she stopped and looked at Alex.

"Hey, I think it's my moms new boyfriend" Alex gave a thumbs up and then made kiss lips making Tara roll her eyes at him. He laughed as he opened the fridge grabbing a soda out of it.

He jumped onto the counter drinking it, his gaze on Tara. She walked towards the stove stirring the pasta again "I mean I've seen stab once at a sleepover". His eyes widened and he jumped off the counter "hey T, I gotta get going! my parents don't know I snuck out... so I'll be back later".

Tara gave him a thumbs up he patted her shoulder "that movie offer is still available, just text". He walked towards the doorway leaving.

Tara locked the door when he left going back into the kitchen. She grabbed the wooden spoon off the counter sighing as she stirred the noodles again.

Blood, there was so much of it on Tara's kitchen floor. Alex stared at it blankly as he turned the stove off, one simple lie and he told the police Tara left the stove on, which wasn't a complete lie.

They let him inside right away, he turned the stove off and then stared at the blood. It honestly didn't phase him like he thought it would've.

He sighed and stepped over it, walking up the stairs into Tara's room. He grabbed a bag and packed the girl some clothes, she wasn't going to die. That was never the plan, she was fine now, and he'd make sure of it himself.

He walked down the steps the officer who let him inside now by the doorway. "Thanks for letting me grab her some clothes Officer Hicks".

The woman smiled at him "you just be careful out there Alex, I'll be sure to tell Wes you grabbed Tara some clothes". The boy nodded at her and then stepped outside he could see so many people already looking but he ignored them as he got into his car.

He threw the bag into the passenger seat and then drove off towards the hospital. He tapped his fingers along the steering wheel as he looked at his phone, one click away and he could just call Sam.

Tell her about Tara and have her driving straight back into his arms. He shock his head right away at the thought, putting his phone into his pocket.

The drive was peaceful and he listened to music as he looked around at the cars driving past. Not a single clue what was going on, he sighed as he parked in the parking lot.

His hand grabbing the bag as he stepped out and of course he was greeted right away by the police. "You Tara Carpenters friend?" he smiled weakly "yeah, the police called and told me what happened, is she alright? I brought her some clothes".

The officer sighed "come with us, we're assigned on her case. So far we don't know anything, just that she was attacked. Luckily she called us in time, we got there just before the killer got her".

He walked behind them, his hand tight on the bag "I'm just glad she's okay, when I got the call, I just thought maybe she accidentally burned her hand or something, I didn't think it was this bad".

"She's asleep right now, but she should wake up soon, I imagine she'd wanna see you". He walked into the girls room and the officer smiled at him before closing the door behind him.

Alex set the bag down on the floor sitting down beside the girls bed. His phone dinged and he looked at it, he made sure the brightness was low.

Wes: Hey I heard about Tara, my mom just told me you're at the hospital, please keep me updated!

He was silent for a moment his eyes reading the message over and over again, and then Tara's eyes opened and he responded.

Tara's awake, I'll let the front desk know your name, I'm sure Tara would wanna see you.

He hit sent and then put his phone into his pocket "hey T, how are you feeling?" Tara looked at him and groaned slightly "like I've been stabbed a bunch, when did you get here?".

He moved closer to the bed "just a couple minutes ago, I brought you some clothes, and I may have snuck in a few jello cups for you. I know you aren't fond of hospital food".

She smiled "you didn't have to do that Alex" he stood up "oh it's okay, the cops called and when I heard about what happened, I practically ran right over here, I grabbed random clothes".

"It was scary, one second I was on the phone and then the guy turned out to be some creep, he kept unlocking the doors, and then he threatened Amber, even threatened you! They attacked me and I thought for sure I was gonna die".

"Did you see who did it? The cops said they didn't see anyone when they showed up". She sighed "they were wearing a ghostface mask, I couldn't see who it was. I'm just glad you're here".

He smiled and grabbed a hold of her hand "hey don't worry, I'll keep an eye on you, we can eat a shit ton of junk food and watch cheesy rom coms".

Tara smiled "I'd like that" she laid down "you get some rest, I'll be here when you wake up". She closed her eyes and Alex let her hand go.

authors notes: this is self explanatory

—authors notes: this is self explanatory

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