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Alex was annoyed, he sat on the end of Tara's hospital bed as he held tightly onto his phone. He could hear the bickering of Amber and Richie even through the loud music that blasted into his ears.

Officer Judy looked annoyed herself, her hands grasping onto a notepad as she wrote notes. Each one after the other looked more rushed, like she wanted this moment to be over with.

Alex's gaze meant Sam's, and he couldn't help but grin when her cheeks reddened. He looked away from her first, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable as he paused his music.

He ripped his headphones out rather quickly, the ends snapping against his thighs as he pushed himself off the bed. He let out a rather obnoxious sigh as he walked towards the doorway.

"Where are you going?" his eyes meant officer Hicks "the bathroom, didn't know it was a crime to take a piss?". He huffed as he left the room rolling his eyes in annoyance as he walked down the long hallway. "Alex! Wait up!" he smirked to himself, hiding it when he turned around and frowned.

"What's up Samantha? I was being serious when I mentioned it wasn't me running around killing people, more so attacking at this rate".

She shock her head "no that's not what I wanna talk about" she looked out of breath, her eyes looked so much brighter up close. "It's about Tara, I.. I think I'm gonna tell her the truth about my father".

He rose his eyebrows slightly "you're actually gonna tell her? I'm kinda surprised you didn't mention this sooner, seeing she's older now".

She sighed "I just couldn't, I didn't wanna ruin things for her, but now with her being attacked, and the killer knowing, I need to tell her".

She pressed her hands against her lips, thinking "I can go with you, just sit by in case.. things go bad". She smiled and gosh he wanted to kiss her so badly at that very moment. "You'd do that for me?".

He nodded letting out a heavy breath as she hugged him. She pressed her head into his chest, smiling softly "I really missed you Alex, and I know the last time we saw each other it didn't end well...".

"I hate you! I never want to see you again! I fucking hate you Alex! Stay the hell away from me!". The girl threw her bags into her car before she drove off in a rage.

"It wasn't very pleasant on my end, rather aggressive if anything. But I couldn't just pack up and leave, I'm not the type to run away".

His eyes hardened "I should've just came back and apologized sooner, I felt so awful about how things ended for so for long. And seeing you here with Tara, gosh I felt like shit".

He couldn't help but chuckle "you've had that shit on your mind for that long? I got over it within a few weeks, it's not like we were really a good couple anyways, we'd never work".

She let him go, like she was offended by his words but she didn't express it. Not fully at least, he could tell by the way she strained her neck. She was slowly going insane, he loved messing with her.

"I'm kidding Samatha" he grinned softly as he pressed his hands behind his back. "You know I still love you, I always will. I'm glad you're doing good for yourself, I know five years is a rather long time, but we can still be friends".

She smiled her cheeks turning red as she looked away from him. He chuckled slightly "you're still beautiful Samantha, I remember just yesterday when we were sitting behind that creepy old house. In the grass complaining about the bugs and how itchy the grass made our arms, practically drank and took anything we could get our hands on".

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