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The inside of the hospital room held so many people he felt overwhelmed. He honestly forgot how many people Tara was friends with.

Someone inside this room was hiding something, he knew why this was happening, Sam had her reasons not to tell everyone. But she told him so many years ago, it now clicked back inside his head.

Billy Loomis was her father, of course when she told him all those years ago, beneath the stars as they laid down on grass. He didn't push her away, she held that look in her eye that screamed terror.

She was scared he'd run off, shout to everyone her secret. He never did, he kept his lips sealed. The door opened and Sam appeared.

Everyone grew silent as she smiled at Tara "you came" Sam smiled as she walked towards Tara. Hugging her carefully "of course I came, this is my boyfriend, Richie".

Alex practically scoffed at the boy as he smiled brightly at Tara. He looked like he didn't belong here, Alex hated the guy already.

"It's so nice to meet you, I'm so sorry if I'm intruding". Tara smiled weakly, likely not a fan of the boy's presence "nice to meet you, too".

Wes moved forward "hi" Sam hugged him tightly "thank you for calling" the boy smiled as he moved back. "Of course" Alex glared at Richie intensely if looks could kill, Richie would drop dead.

"These are Chad and Mindy, the twins And Wes. I used to babysit them all". Wes laughed lightly "which is always how I like to be introduced".

"And Amber, Hey..." her eyes locked with his "uh this is Alex". He smiled at her "Samatha, nice having you here" his gaze was on her the entire time as he sat down beside Tara's bedside. He looked like he hadn't slept all night. Which was true, he spent every second inside Tara's room, his eyes glued to the doorway.

He looked so more older then the last time she saw him, his once brunette hair now a blonde shade she found enjoyable. She remembered the way it felt along her fingers whenever she'd see him.

Distance had truly taken them away from one another, when she left he stayed. He had no desire to leave like she did, he loved her once but now his heart was cold, he had moved on.

When Wes mentioned he called Sam, the entire group had grown worried. Especially when Alex looked like he was on the verge of a breakdown. Of course the boy didn't think she would actually show up, and yet here she was, in front of him.

He stood up slowly, his hands flexing the snap of his bones sending a loud crack in the air as he approached Sam with slow steps. His eyes were deep inside her soul as he wrapped his arms around her, the hug itself was welcoming and warm.

Gosh, Sam had missed his hugs, and she was honestly surprised he was even hugging her right now. "I missed you" he whispered it into her ear and she shivered slightly as he moved back.

"Wish you came back under better circumstances, but I suppose you knew this would've happened eventually". Sam smiled weakly at his words, she was the only one who understood what he meant.

"Where's Mom?" Tara looked so weak and exhausted as she looked at Alex then at Sam. "She's stuck at a conference in London, she called me earlier. Alex spoke with her mostly".

"Yeah, for all of ten minutes" Alex sighed "she wasn't really fond of me telling her to come back here and she honestly didn't care about Tara".

"Look, guys, Tara's really tired, maybe we should just give her some space". Ambers words made Alex roll his eyes as he sat back down beside the girls bed "I'm on watch duty, no way I'm leaving".

Amber held an unreadable expression on her face. Everyone began getting ready to leave and Sam smiled weakly at Alex as she approached the door.

"Not you, Sam. I want you to stay" the girl smiled as she nodded "If it's okay with you, I could sleep here tonight". Tara smiled as looked at Sam "I'd really like that, you and Alex can catch up too".

The boy sighed to himself as he looked at Sam "let's just focus on you for tonight kid, I'm sure Sam won't find my boring life interesting".

"Do you have your extra inhaler?" Alex pulled it out of his pocket "she's fine Amber, stop hovering and being an obnoxious girlfriend".

Amber huffed and Alex laughed lightly "I'm kidding, I'll see you later.. I'll call with updates". Amber nodded and left the room, Richie followed after and Alex let out a breath of relief.

"I was hoping they'd leave hours ago, all of them kept asking me stupid questions". He leaned back into the chair before he stood up "I'll let you two talk, I'm gonna get some food".

He left the room smacking right into someone "woah, my bad man!" he looked at Richie "it's fine, probably should've been paying attention".

"You're Sam's ex aren't you? She mentioned an ex once, I can only assume it's you". Alex smiled at the boy "is it really that obvious? We dated years ago in highschool, we ended it when she left".

"She talks about you a lot, of course she never told me your name, so I honestly just thought she hated you or something". Alex walked down the hallway "she probably hates me, she should after what I did to her". Richie frowned "what did you do?".

"I didn't go with her when she left" he disappeared down the hallway. He didn't trust this Richie guy.

   He lost track of time ages ago, he sat alone inside the room drinking old coffee as he scrolled on his phone. "Hey can we talk?" he turned and smiled at Sam as she sat down beside him.

"I know why you're here Samantha, it's about the fucker who attacked Tara. It wasn't me if that's what you're thinking". She sighed "I mean I told you about... my father, and I was worried..".

"I don't care who your father is Samantha, I'm not gonna put on a mask to prove a point either, Tara's like my sister, I'd never hurt her and I wouldn't hurt you either...".

"If it's not you, then it's someone else... someone who knows about my secret". She sighed deeply "I don't know what to do Alex, what if they try hurting Tara again? Or someone else?".

Alex shock his head as he placed his hand over Sam's in hopes of comforting her. "Samatha, I won't let this asshole hurt you or anyone else for that matter. Someone obviously wanted you here, we just gotta figure out who it is".

He leaned back into the chair, the plastic material making his back ache. "I'm sorry I thought it was you, you're the only person I told...".

He let out a soft hum "anyone could find out, no offense but your mother could've told someone, which then led to someone deciding to be all poetic and put on a ghostface mask. You'd think after eleven years they'd get the hint that it always doesn't end well for them. I mean Jill Roberts almost made it last time, they always slip.. I mean I've seen stab, they all end the same".

"Yeah with the killers dying, I didn't think we'd be here right now. I thought for sure no one would find out, that Tara would be safe from it".

It was silent for a moment, and Alex kept looking at Sam with an unreadable expression. "What?" he smiled softly "you're different, I mean you seem different from the last time I saw you".

"It's been five years, people change" he looked away from her "I better go make sure Tara's okay, I'll leave you too think and what not".

authors notes:
I had this chapter pre-written so I figured why not just published it already. Also it's not like Alex didn't put on a ghost face mask on right after the conversation he had with Sam. Talk about standards! anyways enjoy!

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