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Sam had woken Alex early when she kept calling his phone, he would've normally been pissed off for his sleep being disturbed. But his plan was working and he had left his house so fast, somehow along the way he ended up in the passenger seat of Sam's car.

The car was silent aside from the soft hum of the engine as he looked outside the window. "So where exactly are we going? You didn't really say over the phone when I picked up after the tenth call".

Sam looked at him slightly as she turned down a road lol "I was doing some research online about past ghostface attacks and I think I found someone who can help us, I sorta found two but I couldn't figure out the address of one, so we're here".

He looked at the trailer as she parked the car "so who exactly are we talking to? Can we trust them?" Sam unlocked her door "he's dealt with this before and he used to be the sheriff for a few years when we were kids, now he's just here doing nothing".

Alex shrugged his shoulders as he climbed out of the car "I mean if you think he can help then by all means let's go knock. Worst that can happen is he kicks us out or he just doesn't help us at all".

"Well when you put it that way now I'm not sure, I feel like I should've done more research on the other guy in case this one isn't any help".

She knocked on the door "who exactly was the other person anyways? It can't hurt to attempt to get some
answers about this whole ghostface situation".

Sam knocked again "some guy named Corey Becker, apparently he was one of the first victims back in like 1996, my father... killed his sister and a bunch of his friends so I doubt he'll wanna see me".

The door was ripped open and Sam's eyes widened when a gun was pointed right at their faces. The man cocked it "who the hell are you, and why the fuck are you knocking on my friends door".

"Woah woah! Relax man! We just came here looking for Dewey we just wanna talk" the man kept the gun held up as he looked at the duo. "You're Samantha, figured you'd show up" he moved back as he lowered the gun "Dewey ain't here, went off to be with Gale for the summer, I'm on babysitting duty, which is peachy". He set the gun down and glared at them one last time before he tugged the door open fully.

"Well don't be shy, come on in. Can't promise water or anything, Dewey only comes here for summer when he wants to visit me and Tatum, I saw the news".

He sat down on the chair across from the couch as he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket "uh if you don't mind me asking sir, who are you exactly?".

He chuckled "I'd thought I'd be recognizable seeing everyone in woodsboro hates my ass, but hey I thought it'd be so much fun to just stay behind for the wife, have a few kids and ponder my life choices. Tatum insisted we move ages ago, but I can tell she doesn't want to go far, so I'll wait a few more months".

Sam sat down on the couch as she sighed "wait I do recognize you, I couldn't find out where you lived when I googled you. You're Corey Becker".

Alex sighed "I'm not gonna lie man, I don't even know who you are, I literally never read or watch the news, it's so boring". Corey laughed "this generation is lame, look I know why you're here, ghostface being back is always the number one priority for me every year, I keep tabs on cases with Judy, I heard about your sisters attack, I connected the dots pretty fast".

Sam pressed her hands together "we don't know what to do, I've never dealt with this before. But I know you have so we were hoping you could help or just give any advice really, we're desperate".

Corey looked at Alex and the man didn't look away "well for starters don't trust the love interest, or in some rare cases the ex boyfriend maybe. It happens and it's really shitty, happened twice for me and it still haunts me to this day. You want my honest opinion though, get your sister out of that hospital and drive until you see this town out of your sight, best decision I could've made back in 2011".

Alex leaned back on the couch as he looked around the small trailer "wouldn't running away make the killer chase us? We don't wanna risk anyone else getting hurt or killed if we try to leave".

Corey sighed "you'd have better chances outside of woodsboro, honestly if you surround yourself with enough people you'll be untouchable. An asshole in a mask can't blend in with a crowd full of people, they'd be spotted so fast it's easy to catch them".

Sam looked at Corey "what if they don't care about people? I mean they could blend in without the mask and they'd kill us just the same". Corey shook his head "the mask is the whole point in this situation, they wanna wear it to scare you. In a crowd they'd hate being seen, they want people to be scared. It's practically what drives them to kill. Half the time the movies are the motivation".

"You mean those lame stab movies they put on Netflix?" Corey laughed as he looked at Alex "again your generation is so sad, I remember being in line for vhs tapes and dvd sets, now it's all on Netflix".

Sam stood up "thank you for your help, but we should really get going, I can't leave my sister alone and I can't trust her friends either, so I need to just figure out who could be doing this".

She neared the door "they wanted you here Samatha, they kept your sister alive for a reason. They gutted your boyfriend to make sure you were alone too, whoever this is, I'd say they either wanna have you suffer or they want to be with you. Just look at the big picture and don't let it bite you in the end".

She nodded before she walked outside, Alex followed after her and sighed "that guy gave me the creeps, did you get that same feeling too Sam?".

She pulled open her car door "I don't know, I think he was trying to help the best he could. We need to meet with the others, can you message everyone?".

Alex grabbed his phone "yeah I can, I'll tell them to meet at Mindy and Chads house, they have a big space we can all sit and talk in". Sam smiled sadly "I hope this dies down soon and everyone is safe".

She got into the car and Alex watched her for a long moment before he got inside "it'll be over soon".

not edited!

authors notes:
Did you think I wasn't gonna have Corey be in this story, my baby is literally in all of scream fics lol, it's like a little cameo that is just random. I can't wait to keep going with this book, I was so smart when I made this plot lol, enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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