On Eventful Day

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Tord awoke with a gasp It felt like he had been put into a pot and was being boiled alive. "Oh, shit not now!" Tord moaned in discomfort. Tord sat up and rolled off his bed and walked into the kitchen to see Edd Matt and Tom munching on breakfast. "Morning everyone." Tord yawned. "Heya Tord you smell nice did you put on some Calonge or something?" Matt piped cheerfully. "No dumbass he started his yearly cycle," Tom growled. "TOM!" Edd snapped lightly. "Tsk, whatever Edd." Tom scoffed while sipping his Smirnoff. "You need to be kinder to Matt, I know he can be a bit dense sometimes but he tries his hardest." Edd scolded. "Whatever Edd." Tom scoffed. Standing up Tom walked over to Tord and trapped him against the kitchen wall. "Why don't I help you with your little problem there cutie?" Tom growled seductively.  "Um no thanks, Tom I'm fine!" Tord stuttered. Tord kicked Tom in his gut causing him to drop to the floor and growl. "Damn It Tord!" Tord took that opportunity to flee to his room and lock his door. Panting Tord slid down his door and sighed. "Tord open the goddamn door!" Tom screamed from the other side. "No, I'm not letting you breed me you stupid shit!" Tord screamed back. "Oh, I see you're scared well don't worry I'll be gentle when I pup you up!" Tom growled while jiggling the doorknob. "Go the fuck away Tom I don't want your help!" Tord said through heavy breathing. "Ugh whatever you'll want this dick eventually." Tom laughed darkly. Once he was sure that Tom left he stood up and walked over to his bed. Sitting down he opened his dresser pulled out a blood-red dildo and sighed. Well, self-stimulation was the only way he could get himself off at the moment. Tord slowly undid his ripped jeans and pulled down his boxers. Slowly he let his fingers glide down his aroused quilla. Moaning he put the dildo at his entrance and gingerly thrust it inside. "~Mmm fffuuuck!~" Tord moaned as he bit his lip. He slowly pumped the sex toy in and out of his quilla. "~Ahhh yesss.~" He quickened his movements getting wet squelching noises as he go closer to his climax. Tord arched his hips and screamed "~Oh HOLY SHIT~" Tord felt his quilla tense up and twitch as he came. Panting he pulled the toy out of his now twitching quilla and sunk into his bed the burning sensation that he was feeling slowly melted away along with his orgasm. Panting he slowly sat himself up and put his boxers back on. Sighing he got up and went to his door and unlocked it hoping Tom wouldn't barge in on him. Slowly he peeked his head out of his room and stepped out of the door. "Edd, Matt, Tom, you guys out there?" Tord hollered. Suddenly Edd went flying across the room and hit the wall behind him. Tord nearly jumped at the sudden shock and walked over to Edd and looked down at him. "Hey, are you okay buddy?" "Ugh." Edd only groaned. "I'm guessing it's another demon," Tord mumbled. Ever since they ordered from Instaroof they've been plagued with random demons the majority of the going over to Edwardo's house though. Grumbling Tord made his way up to the attic and looked inside. There he saw a silver-haired man with blue eyes holding Tom and Matt in a chokehold. When they noticed him they tried to warn him but it was too late. The demon spotted him and dropped both of them and pounced at Tord getting a gasp at him. "Well well well if it ain't my favorite Norski." The demon growled. Tord looked the demon straight in his eyes and growled. "Go home Tyler." The demon only laughed and grabbed Tord by his wrist lifting him straight into the air. "Awe what is the little omega incubus gonna do?" Tyler laughed. "Incubus!?" Both Tom and Matt gasped in unison. The demon turned around a look of surprise on his face. "He didn't tell you!" Tyler started to laugh. "Pfft hahaha oh the hilarity!" Just then Edd ran back upstairs with a baseball bat and whacked the demon in his groin causing him to gasp and drop Tord. "You asshole!" Tyler growled in pain. Tord hit the floor with a gasp. Looking up at Tyler he growled. "You're never picking this flower!" "Oh, you think I want your virginity, well you're wrong my little Norski, I'm here to bring you back home where you belong." Tyler Laughed. "What if I don't want to leave?" Tord hissed back. "Well, I guess I'll just tell your father then, or I could lie and tell him that you went to go live in hell with your mother because I know full well that your father beats you for being an omega and I don't want that for you." Tyler had a semi-sad look on his face he really didn't want to tell the military chief that his son was camping out with two Alphas and another Omega knowing full well that the man would surely kill all of them. Sighing he turned around the male Beta looked at Tord and his friends and flicked his tail. I'll be taking my leave now, "Tord I'll tell your dad that he has no business in your personal life." Tyler hummed. "Tyler your insane he'll kill you!" Tord yelled. Tyler slowly turned around and smiled. "Don't worry about me unless he wants to piss off my father then he won't try anything too drastic." Tyler laughed. "But Tyler!" Tord yelled. "Don't worry nothing will happen I'll come to you if anything happens." Tyler hummed. "But you're in heat!" Tord yelled. "I know..." Tyler hummed back. Before he could say anything more Tyler unfolded his wings and flew off. Sighing Tord groaned. "Sorry about him guys he's a bit aggressive." Tord hummed. Aggressive all three men yelled in unison. Edd walked up to Tord and pulled him into a hug. "Oh thank god you're okay!" "Yeah Yeah, I'm fine guys." Tord hummed. "Now let's make dinner I'm starving." Tord hummed. Yeah, come on guys let's make dinner. Edd hummed. The four friends made their way downstairs conversating about the Eventful day that they had.

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