The Monster Inside Me

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Bold: Monster Tom talking.
Bold both Tom's talking.

Tom woke up to Tord stumbling his way through the dark. Growling he sat up. Maybe now's my chance to fuck him, he's fertile at the moment. Tom hummed to himself. "Oh, I definitely want to breed him." Tom's inner monster purred. "Well, why don't I let you out then?" Tom giggled. "Gladly." Tom's inner monster purred. Tom felt intense pain as he began to shift. Groaning he took a halfway form (like the photo above) and followed Tord back to his room. Once Tord had entered his room Tom pounced on him knocking him onto the floor. "What The fuck Tom!" Tord gasped. Suddenly a strong purple-clawed hand grabbed him and lifted him and dropped him onto his bed. "~Hello Tord~" Tom purred. "What do you want!?" Tord growled slightly. "~I want to pluck that sweet little flower of yours Tord~" Tom purred lustfully. He felt a purple claw hook onto his sweatpants and began to pull them down. "T-Tom stop!" Tord whimpered. Once his eyes adjusted to the darkness he saw that Tom was completely different, he was in his in-between monster phase, and he was staring straight at his now-exposed boxers. "Well, are you ready baby?" Tom purred while slowly removing his boxers. "Tom, please don't I'm fertile!" Tord cried out. "I know dear, that's why I'm here." Tom hummed while ripping his boxers the rest of the way off. Once the offending article of clothing was out of the way he could pluck that flower he's been wanting since the beginning of this season. Tord started to get desperate so he kicked Tom causing him to stumble back. "Damn it Tord Just submit to me and I'll make ke less painful!" Tom growled. Tom pinned Tord to his bed and tied him up so he couldn't escape. Tord gets even more frighted and started to sob. "Tom please just stop!" Tord continued to struggle only for Tom to tighten the restraints. "Just fucking submit, you bastard!" Tom hissed. At this point, Tord had given up and let Tom have his way with him. Slowly he felt a purple claw slip into his unaroused velva. "Tom, please stop this is rape I don't want this!" Tord sobbed. He felt the claw retract from his velva. "Oh fuck, Tord... I'm so sorry!" Tom's voice was shaky. Tord felt his restraints being ripped away from him. Quickly sitting up he kicked Tom in his gut causing him to stumble back and hit his dresser. "Get the fuck out of my room Tom!" Tord growled violently. But when he looked at Tom he saw him looking at him with the most intense look of self-hate and sadness in his eyes. His purple ears were pinned back and his tail was tucked between his legs. "Get out you stupid monster!" Tord hissed angrily. "Okay..." Tom whimpered. As soon as Tom fled the room he heard his bedroom door slam shut. Once Tom entered his room he started to sob.  "Why... I only want him to love me! Am I really just a stupid monster to him?" Tom sobbed quietly. Tom curled his tail around himself and continued to sob. He felt horrible he nearly raped Tord, how could he ever forgive himself. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his chest, and the tears began to flow again. He hurt so much emotionally and physically the physical part was being kicked in his gut. Slowly he fell asleep succumbing to the nightmares of his past.


Tom stood in front of his father who had a disappointed look on his face. "Dad, Do you love me?" The man scowled and hit the wall beside him. "You're an alpha!" "Alphas take what they want, get that!" Tom's father yelled. "Yes, Dad..." Tom whimpered. After that outburst, Tom fled to his room. While hiding in his room he heard his dad scream and threw stuff around the room. Then his father came into his room and yanked him out from underneath his bed. "Come here you pitiful slut!" Tom's father growled in a drunken tone. Tom cried and attempted to flee but to no avail. What happened next would forever be traumatized by what happened next.

(End of Nightmare)

Tom shot up gasping he had returned to his normal form. Sobbing he looked into his mirror and screamed. His father raped him he beat him daily and he was trying to rape his only rival. Sobbing he stumbled out of his room to see Edd and Matt holding a crying Tord. They had looks of concern on their faces. "Tom, how could you?" Matt said with a bit of bitterness in his voice. Edd just glared at him which made him feel even worse. "I'm sorry guys I lost control." Tom attempted to explain. He was shut up by Edd smacking him on his head. "We don't need to hear your apologies," Edd growled. "You nearly raped Tord last night," Edd growled yet again. "I think you should leave Tom." Matt hissed quietly. Tom's heart broke at that moment. "He was a monster a stupid stupid monster." Slowly turning around he slowly trudged back to his room. Once in his room, he started to cry. "I'm sorry I'm so sorry." Tom cried to himself. While crying he felt the pressure in his room change. Freezing he looked around his room to see someone he had thought he had buried in his past. "Hello, Tommy." A voice rang out from behind him. "Tristan..." Tom growled quietly.  "You seem down in the dumps today?" Tristan chuckled darkly. "I might as well punish you for your what happened last night." "Please Tristan it was an accident, I never meant to!" "Don't hurt me!" Tom cried. "Well too bad now strip and let me punish that hole of yours." Tristan laughed. "Please Tristan just leave already," Tom begged. Not before I get the last laugh. Tristan snickered while ripping all of Tom's clothing off. Tom attempted to scream but the demon swiftly covered his mouth up and punched him in his face giving him a black eye in the process. "Let the game begin." Tristan laughed darkly. And just like that Tom's day got even worse.

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