crime and Punishment

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Warning this is a rape scene if this triggers you don't read it.

Tom was swiftly pinned down by Tristan and gagged so he couldn't scream. Tom attempted to struggle and break free from his attacker. Tristan only laughed. "Your friends don't care about you they care more about that poor omega that you attacked last night." "I bet if they walked in they would laugh at you and slut shame you." Tristan laughed. Tom whimpered he was right he was a slut he was letting Tristan do what he wanted with him. Then he felt Tristan put his cock at his tight asshole getting a stifled whimper out of him. "Well, your gonna get what you deserve and your gonna take it without complaint too." Tristan growled. After he said that he violently thrust inside of Tom causing him to scream through his gag. Tears poured down his eyes. "Oh for the love of God please kill me!" Tom sobbed to himself. While Tristan was violating him he could hear Edd and Matt talking in the other room. "I don't know man maybe we should let him explain, he did seem pretty upset when he walked into the kitchen earlier." Matt hummed from down the hall. You're right Matt I don't think Tom would intently hurt Tord. Edd hummed back. He felt even worse when he heard that. Here he was being raped by his ex-boyfriend and they were just talking to each other. He felt Tristan tense up and climax inside him getting another stifled sob out of him. Well your punishment has been carried out I will take my leave now.  Tristan said with a hum. Like that Tristan hopped out of Tom's open window and fled into the distance leaving Tom gaged bound and raped. Tom lay there for what felt like forever quietly sobbing to himself. Suddenly his attention was caught by his door opening and a very concerned Matt was standing at his door. "Tom!?" Tom whimpered and looked away. Matt looked at Tom and gasped he was no stranger to Tom's past mostly because the four of them have been friends since high school. "Tom, what happened?" Matt made his way over to the scared alpha and undid his gag and restraints. Tom looked up at Matt and started to cry. "Why would you care I tried to rape Tord last night!" Tom cried. "Your my friend Tom that's why." Matt said with a soft grin. The black-eyed man stared at Matt and sniffled. "Tristan came back and he raped me." Matt gasped and pulled Tom into a hug. "Oh, Tom I'm so sorry!" Just then Edd and Tord walked in. "Tom!?" Both men gasped in unison. Tom flinched and curled up into himself and sobbed even more. "Go away Tord you don't care about me! None of you do!" Matt swiftly let go of Tom and gave him a surprised look. "Tom don't say that of course we care for you!" Matt said with a soft smile. Tom looked away from everyone and quietly sniffled. "Why I attempted to rape him!" Tom cried. Tord walked over to Tom and looked at him with a mix of pity and sadness. "No Tom you didn't mean to hurt me you were just acting upon your instincts." Tord whispered. "But I hurt you I tied you up Tord I was gonna rape you!" Tom sobbed. "Tom look at yourself! You are naked and you have sperm coming out of your ass you were the one that was raped!" Tord Yelled. Tom looked up at Edd who was oddly silent throughout the who exchange. Tom meekly got off of the bed and stumbled towards Tord. He cried for what felt like forever all the while both Edd and Matt joined in on the hug. "We're so sorry Tom we should have noticed it sooner!" Edd soothed. Slowly they pulled away from the hug and let Tom settle down. "Hey, Tom you want some Smirnoff?" Tord hummed. "Yes Tord I would love that." Tord grabbed a bottle of Smirnoff from the fridge and handed it to Tom who cracked it open and took a sip. As the day waned into evening Tom got completely wasted to numb the fact that he had just been raped. "Tord please I'm sorry!" A half-shifted Tom cried. Tord turned around to see a drunk half-shifted Tom clinging to his back. He looked pitiful. Tord spun around and grabbed Tom by his face and looked into his black teary eyes. "Tom don't apologize." Tord said softly. Tom slowly looked up more tears running down his cheeks. "Tord... I love you." Tom whimpered softly. Tord was taken aback. Tom loved him? Tom started to cry again. I completely understand if you don't want me after what I've done to you. Tom whimpered. "After all I'm a stupid monster." Tord gasped and pulled Tom into a tight hug. "Don't say that! You're not stupid and You're not a monster either!" Tord yelled. "Why are you being so kind right now? Here I am having a heart-to-heart with you and you haven't even hit me yet." Tom sniffed. Tom quickly got his answer. Tord pressed his lips against his shocking Tom out of his drunken stooper. He kissed him back. Breaking the kiss Tom looked at Tord with a shocked expression. "Why?" Tom stuttered. Because I also love Tom. Tord hummed softly. Now let's go sit on the sofa. Tord hummed softly. "Okay..." Tom whispered. Once they sat on the sofa Tord pulled Tom into a tight hug and kissed him again. "I love you Tom." "I love you too Tord." Tom hummed back. Tom looked at Tord and grinned.  Don't expect me to be submissive forever okay?" Tom giggled. I will be aware of that. Tord hummed softly. Tord let Tom's hand slowly creep over his now-clothed and aroused velva. "Should we take this to your room or mine?" Tom hummed. "How about we take it to your room Tom." Tord hummed. Grinning Tom stood up and dragged Tord to his bedroom to begin his dangerous game.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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