Chapter 2: Threats and Longing

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I understand the confusion regarding Sam and Freen. So here's the deal - They are two different characters. Sam is as presented as she appears in the series, while Freen is more blonde, softer Freen.
Also, I ran out of characters to use, so I had to steal some people to fill the roles.


"Is there any specific reason you use the window rather than the door?" Mon questioned suspiciously as Sam helped her down from the windowsill and into her living room.

"Yes." She answered simply and placed her weapons on a nearby table, then walked over to her fridge to grab a couple of beers. It was routine by now.

"Care to explain?" Mon quirked a brow as she looked around the room, rubbing her arm in discomfort.

"Nope." Sam smirked and handed her one beer, her brows soon furrowing as she studied Mon. The girl's dress was torn and tattered from her ordeal, and so were a few patches of skin scattered over the exposed parts of her body. The wounds looked inflamed and painful, some tiny pieces of gravel still visible.

Sam quickly disappeared through a dark doorway off to one side of the apartment and soon returned with a small bag in one hand and some clothes in the other. "Here, go get changed so that I can see to your wounds. You need to get cleaned up before you contract an infection."

Mon took the articles of clothing from Sam and let the cloth unfurl, confusion taking over her features. "You're joking, right?" She dangled a tiny pair of black shorts from one finger, while the other hand waved a white tank around. "What are you trying to play at here? I'm not wearing this! I don't even know you from Adam!"

Sam sighed and sunk down into her couch, beer bottle coming to rest between her thighs as she eyed Mon with a mix of frustration and amusement. "I don't know Adam either." She snickered and shook her head, "You really are a princess… Must I play the role of your lady in waiting and give you a sponge bath too?" Sam enjoyed watching the anger flash through Mon's eyes at her question, but the one thing that was even more enjoyable to observe was the slight tinge to her cheeks. Sam thought she was incredibly sexy when she got mad.

"In your dreams…" Mon growled and sauntered off into the dimly lit bathroom to get changed.

"Oh you have no idea…" Sam chuckled in return. She had so hoped for a quiet night. In fact, she was merely out for a stroll in the cool night air to clear her head when she stumbled upon the commotion, immediately realising that, without a doubt, it was another confrontation between the Idols and the Tigereyes. The gang war between the two factions had been spiralling out of control as of late and the best that innocent bystanders could do was to take cover. Sam tried to remain Switzerland, but it was getting increasingly more difficult as she watched the innocent pay the price. Kirk's plea for her to join the Idols drifted back to mind, and though she wasn't a big fan of the Tigereyes and knew very well what they were capable of, she had no desire to immerse herself in a war where it seemed like there'd be no possible winner. She had killed Tigereyes before this night, and no doubt she probably would again. In her mind, in her soul, however, every Tigereye dead by her hands was another lifetime in hell. Another sentence weighing in on the eternity of her very essence.

'The only good Tigereye is a dead one…'

"Let's just get this over with." Mon sighed as she moved to sit next to Sam on the couch a few minutes later, effectively breaking her reverie, outfitted in her borrowed clothes and tugging at the small pair of shorts uncomfortably. It's not that she was ungrateful, but something about the other woman made her incredibly uncomfortable in the most exciting way possible. Mon wasn't sure how to react, especially considering she was still pumped full of adrenaline.

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