Chapter 14: The Plan

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"Well well well... Isn't this an interesting turn of events?" Charlotte mocked as she walked around Freen where the blonde found herself on her knees with her hands behind her head. Freen's men had all been lined up with them stripped of all weapons and armour. Their hands had also been cable tied behind their backs and each had a Tigereye on each shoulder, gun at the ready.

"I think you maybe underestimated me, Sarocha." Charlotte knelt down to Freen's level but kept her distance for safety, even though there were about six guards aiming at Freen alone. "You wanted to go at this alone, now look at where you are. Right at my feet." Charlotte chuckled as she stood up again and nudged Freen's chin with the tip of her boot. "Well, are you going to tell your guys the truth, Freen? Or should I?"

Freen growled and bared her teeth at Charlotte as the woman stepped back. If Freen had any mobility, she would downright snap Charlotte's neck. "What truth? I don't fucking know what you're talking about!" She watched as a wicked grin spread across Charlotte's countenance, causing the hairs on the back of Freen's neck to stand on end.

"Oh you know, our deal... Our bloody, killer of a deal..." Charlotte kept teasing. She knew very well that Freen knew exactly what she was talking about. She also knew that Freen knew that Charlotte was just toying with her by playing dumb.

"Freen, what is she talking about?" Kirk hung his head and stared hard at his leader. He didn't want to believe Charlotte, but he had to ask.

"Yes Freen, why don't you share with your lieutenant how we all got to where we are now..." Charlotte kept teasing, twisting that proverbial knife in Freen's gut harder and harder. Charlotte wanted to make Freen squeal.


"We need some intel first." Sam said as the group stood a few blocks away from the compound. Weary that they'd be recognised by roaming Tigereyes, they had to split up quickly. "Girls, you're not coming inside. It's too dangerous. We need you to stay with the cars in case we need to make a getaway."

Mon stepped towards Sam, but before she could say anything Sam already gave her that look that held a firm negative to it. "I won't be able to focus. I need to know that you're safe." Sam's voice softened at the end as she moved towards Mon and pulled her into a tight hug. "Nothing has ever mattered to me this much." She whispered into Mon's ear and then pulled back so that they could spend a small eternity lost in each other's eyes. "You better come back to me in one piece." Mon let out a small sob as her eyes grew wet. She knew what could happen, but she wouldn't think about it. She'd rather dream about a future with her soulmate.

Next was the plan, and it seemed like everyone felt a little clueless as to how they were going to do this. It was like David facing Goliath. "Okay, Fa, I need you on the roof. Surveillance and sniper. Tee, you and I will be team leaders. We cut the men down the middle and cover opposite corners at once." Sam rattled off her take on things as the others watched her intently, trying to envision her plan.

"Shall we split our men along the corridors or stick together?" Tee asked, trying to grind the rough edges of the plan.

Sam shook her head, "No, there's too much power in numbers right now. If there's a big group of them it's better that we watch each other's backs." Sam looked up at Tee for an agreement and was given the nod to go ahead. "We'll start at bottom left, move over to the right, and then to top right corner. You guys start at top right, then across to top left, then down to bottom left. That way we stay on opposite sides the whole time. We can attack from two sides."

Tee nodded her agreement but then sighed deeply. "But what's the actual plan here Sam? To infiltrate? To kill on sight? An extraction? We need a move." Engfa planted her foot between Sam and Tee, "You idiots need me. You forget my specialities." Sam smirked while Tee raised her brows. "Okay black kitty cat, ks ks, run off and do your thing."

"What was that about?", Tee asked quizzically from Freen. Sam shook her head and motioned they should start walking to break up the group. "Engfa is like a cat. Stealthy, unheard, unseen, deadly, and the best spy I have ever met in my life. She'll get us some of the info we need to know what's going on inside so that we can decide what our mission is."

Tee simply nodded in understanding. She was about to start walking when something tugged her back. She turned back around and walked up to Yuki, then kissed her deeply to the extent that everyone else was blushing on their behalf. "Just in case... You know..." Tee whispered to Yuki, who responded with a "Don't you dare..." And another kiss.

Mon turned towards Sam and emphasized as she copied Yuki, "Don't you dare..." She whispered to Sam as she leaned her forehead against hers. "And remember...I'm yours, my love."

"And I'm yours, my love." Freen delivered the other half of their vow. They kissed one sweet last time before Sam and Tee and the rest of the guys walked off. They were about thirty in the contingency, which was no small number. However, it was all they had with no idea what they were going up against.


Hey guys! I'm sorry that it has taken this long to update this fic. I've been too caught up with writing my other FB fics. I haven't given up on this story, it's just been difficult to muster the creativity for it. And I really want to finish it and put it on the shelf alongside "Scratch". I had a lot more to add to this chapter, but then it would have been hella long. Also, it would be better to start a new chapter on the tone and mood I want to create.

Okay so, we have to talk about the elephant in the room. You know what I'm talking about. I don't have much to say. It's none of my business and I still love and admire F as I do B. I wish them well and success and to never lose their connection, regardless of what happens.

How does this affect the fanfiction? I know a lot of writers will be lost without inspiration. Some readers will feel disillusioned by these stories. But please don't stop writing and reading and having fun. We have created characters out of FB, we place them in all sorts of settings and circumstances. This is still fun! This is what fanfiction was made for.

So yeah, I won't be going anywhere. If you haven't checked out my other FB fics, please go to my profile and check them out! Please kudos and adds and comments! Always appreciated!

Cheers guys!

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