the dads and anger issues

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So basically all the dads and the anger issue boy is at the same place all the dads: Sandy, Pigsy, Tang, Wukong, Macaque

Anger issue: Red boy (i mean it was obvious)

"Ughhhh... Tang?!" The first Pigsy saw is his free loader on the ground beside him unconscious

"Hmmgh.. Pigsy?" Tang slowly woke up from his slumber

"Oh my.. Tang you literally scared me!"

"Will you shut up!" A familiar and yet annoying voice waas heard

"Ahh.. its the great annoyance himself" Pigsy has said with a tone that makes anyone think he is just a sarcastic pig

"YES IT IS I! RED SON" red skn exclaimed throughout the room almost bursting the pig demon and his free loader's ears

"JESUS CHRIST, WTF IS THAT ALL ABOUT?!" A unfamiliat voice  echoed

"Muninn, Huginn check the place" Pigsy has finally realized where they are.. a abandoned lab of some sorts

He then hears familiar voices on the other corridors

"C,mon Macaque! Its so dark!"

"Maybe use your light magic TO BRIGHTEN things up"


All too familiar indeed

"Oh hey guys!" Wukong exclaimed

"Shut up Monkey king, someone else is here" Pigsy said with a angry tone that would've scared Mk if he was here sadly he wasnt

"What do you mean, 'someone'? " macaque said with a concerned look

Tang then said "i dont know but he said to persons named Muninn and Huginn to check im pretty sure we are screwed by the first minute they see u-" suddenly something they didnt want to hope for came

"Woah Huginn theres alot of people here!"

"Two monkeys and a pig! Good for bacon!"

"HEY IM NOT JUST A SLAB OF PORK Y'KNOW" Pigsy scared the laughs out of Muninn and Huginn and then they flew to who knows where

"Pigsy, thats literally gargoyles" Tang most definately said with some kind of seriousness

"Follow thsm before out cover is blown?" Red son suggested

Loud stomps echoed the corridors, they were ready for their doom until

"Hey guys!" The usual deep voice Pigsy knew

"Sandy?!" Pigsy said with glee and confusion

"Yea its me! So uh where are we?" Sandy asked

"I thinks its some kind of abandoned lab" Pigsy answered

"WHO'RE YOU?!" A pink 6 ft tall man with hair had just interrupted the reunion

"Uhhhhhh..." Wukong being the Wukong he is, he is trying to find ways to greet themselves to a guy that is 6 ft f*cking tall

"Wukong? Hurry up" Macaque said with a worrying tone

"I-im Sun wukong great sage equal to heaven-" Wukong was suddenly cut short

"Sun wukong? Hm" That 6 ft guy just cut the introduction

"And this guy is six-eared macaque, and this pig guy is named pigsy, the guy with blue skin is sandy, the anger issues kid is named red son and last but not least tang with the glasses!" Wukong has finished his introduction without anymore interruptions a ding came from draxum's phone or whatever that is

Draxum's failed sh*ts

Bootyyshakerr9k: hey raph can you call mikey over

Mother hen: yea sure but why?

Bootyyshakerr9k: uhhh we have a guest

Dr. Delicate touch: oooo a guest?

I may be bald: yea a guest his name is Mk

The random dude took out his phone or something to say something

"My mutagen": will you guys stop blowing up my phone?

I may be bald: sorry barry just a new guest

"My mutagen": well i have 6 guets who i dont even know how they got here

Bootyyshakerr9k: hm thats weird

Mother hen: lets just not talk about the guests

Dr. Delicate touch: im gonna make food for the guests barry bring your guests with you!

"My mutagen": like i would have them here..

The dude hid his phone in his robe the dad and red son didnt know what they were even texting bout possibly something important

"Ok uninvited guests im Baron Draxum" the 6ft tall man said

"Ok cool" Macaque said

"You will meet my sons after 3 days here since they also have a guest to take care of come with me" Draxum said to the people that was infront of him

Note: the arcs for the dads and anger issue will not be covered until they met mk's arc

I Regretted Not Watching Both Shows So I Made A Crossover :DWhere stories live. Discover now