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(BlueGeneral Koopa x FemaleKoopa Reader) Part One

"Oh no...."

(Y/n) whispers to herself letting out a gasp, witnessing bowsers terror against the poor penguins kingdom, once the kingdom was down and destroyed into pieces kamek used the broken kingdom to make a magical stair way to the super star.

Once bowser had the star the rest to the army began to lock up the poor prisoners into cages, (Y/n) watches nervously before heading out her wings twitch in distress,

"I must warn princess peach."

just as she opened up her wings to fly she heard her name called out.


(Y/n) lets out a loud cough before turning to see the blue koopa general himself landing right in front of her. With a deep voice she replies

"Yes? General? Is there a problem?"

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"Yes? General? Is there a problem?"

The blue koopa doesn't say a word but looks at her curiously and asked

"Where are you headed?"

"Just to the throne room to celebrate our victory, sir."

The general said nothing looking more closely

"I'll tag along with you."

And without another word he flew off, making you sigh and fly after him. Thinking to herself, once she gets her chance she'll make her escape to warn the princess.

~Time Skip-

(Y/n) nods her head with the beat of the music, chaos was everywhere a perfect chance to leave but couldn't.

The general standing proudly looking around the chaotic party but (Y/n) could tell he was enjoying himself.

Just when (Y/n) was about to excuse themselves a random koopa bumps into (Y/n) making her spill her drink on the general. Both (Y/n) and the random koopa gasp,

"I-I I'm s-sorry sir!"

"I-I I'm s-sorry sir!"

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(Y/n) apologize but notice she used her real voice and covers her mouth in shock but she believes the general and the Radom koopa were the only ones who heard and within a second, the general punches the Radom koopa knocking him back making other ...

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(Y/n) apologize but notice she used her real voice and covers her mouth in shock but she believes the general and the Radom koopa were the only ones who heard and within a second, the general punches the Radom koopa knocking him back making other koopas notice but laugh.

The general looks back to confront (Y/n) but was long gone, looking around let's out a low growl.

"Oh no no no no no!!!"

(Y/n) flew through the halls making her way to the secret exit, looking back to the lava kingdom letting out a sigh

"No turning back now.."

She jumps off flying towards the mushroom kingdom.

-Time Skip-

"And now he's on his way here princess!"

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"And now he's on his way here princess!"

(Y/n) explain nervously to princess peach who was listening to her pacing round the room.

"Thank you (Y/n) for letting me know, you are very very brave for doing this."

Peach said holding onto (Y/n) hands who smiles softly back

"Of course princess anything for a friend but I'm afraid I can't go back."

Peach looks at (Y/n) concerned and asked why

"I believe the koopa general knows that I'm scheming something and lied about myself."

Princess peach hugs (Y/n) who gladly hugs back and told her she would stay and help fight against bowser.

So... what ya think? I could edited more better once I see the movie again, there might be a part two~


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