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"I'm tired Kamek."

(Y/n) whines out walking a bit behind the magikoopa, making Kamek stop. Kamek turns to tell the child not to whine when he noticed that they where on the floor face planted onto the floor, whining a bit more.

 Kamek turns to tell the child not to whine when he noticed that they where on the floor face planted onto the floor, whining a bit more

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"Mph hmm hmph."

"My child, I can't understand you if you don't lift your head dear."

(Y/n) lifts their head

"I wanna sleep and snack.."

Kamek shakes his head, waving his wand around lifting the child up with his magic and continues on his way to his destination.

"We don't have time to play around (Y/n), we still have so much to learn."


-Time Skipped-

"Lift your arms a bit higher, yes now cast the spell again."

(Y/n) lifted their own wand and try to lift the small cup that was barley off the floor, letting out a gasp (Y/n) loses control and the cup shatters.

"Awww... s-sorry..."

Kamek pats their back letting them know it's okay,

"It's okay my dear, you're still learning besides that's why we have to practice a-"

Kamek was interrupted by a loud knock on the door a soldier koopa came in,

"Sorry to intrude sir but king bowser request your presents."

The magikoopa nods waving his hand to leave them, once the door was shut he turns to (Y/n), patting their head

"I must leave my dear, please stay here until I've return.."


Without another word he teleports away leaving alone the child who sat down letting out a sigh.

"Hmmm... how does he do that?.... He like waves his wand like this than-"

(Y/n) copy's kamek movements than they felt a rush of power through their body letting out a yelp they teleports into darkness landing roughly onto some hard stone.

"Ow... w-what the- w-here!?!"

They looked around their surroundings noticing that they've never been here in this area before, which scares them more waving their wand in a frantic motion

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They looked around their surroundings noticing that they've never been here in this area before, which scares them more waving their wand in a frantic motion.

They looked around their surroundings noticing that they've never been here in this area before, which scares them more waving their wand in a frantic motion

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"Come on! Come on! Come on! Please! Please go back!"

(Y/n) notice she was next to a large boulder like statue, walking around lets out a small shriek noticing its a bowser statue, now they knew where they were.

Kings Bowsers throne room...

To be continued...


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