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(Y/n) was freaking out, and for two good reasons. one of her brothers is captured by a monster and now the other has challenged the cranky king's son to a battle!

(Y/n) stood beside toad who was hyping up for the fight while (Y/n)  and peach worried for Mario's safety.

(Y/n) stood beside toad who was hyping up for the fight while (Y/n)  and peach worried for Mario's safety

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Toad turns to (Y/n) and gave her a smile

"Oh don't worry (Y/n)! I believe Mario can kick the kings son."

(Y/n) smiles and sighs

"Me too toad, but I can't help but worried more now."

Just than the doors open to reveal Mario and everyone started to boo at him, making (Y/n) huff out in anger, putting her hands waving to her brother


Mario looks around than back to you smiling waving back to you, just than loud banging noises echo down the hall to the other door and out comes flying out Donkey kong.

Everyone cheered loudly for him as he started to pose and dance around to his fans, DK turns around a big smile forms on his face as he waved to his dad.

"Hi dad!!"

Cranky Kong doesn't seemed pleased, Dk than looks to the guest next to his father throne, making Dk double take a glance at one of the guest.

Which happens to be (Y/n)

(This is how DK sees you)

DK than starts to dance some more which catches (Y/n) attention, looking down to him,

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DK than starts to dance some more which catches (Y/n) attention, looking down to him,

(Y/n) looks confused at DK looking both at toad and princess peach,

"Uh.. is he okay?"

Cranky king shakes his head

"Enough with the show biz!"

(Y/n) laughs

DK notice and yells out to (Y/n)

"Hey you a fan?!!"

(Y/n) looks around herself, pointing to herself


"Yes!!! Hi!!!"

DK reply's smiling bigger waving which to (Y/n) smiles nervously, waving slowly back



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"Yeah no

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"Yeah no... sorry I'm here to cheer for my brother!"
(Y/n) yells out making Dk turn to see Mario who looks at him nervous.

-Time Skipped-

Mario defeated DK and (Y/n) was beyond happy cheering in relief,

"Yes! Yes!! Mario you did it! You did it!! (Y/n) hugs her brother slightly squeezing him making him let out a sigh

"Sorry! Sorry are you okay?"
Mario smiles at his sister and reply's
"I'm good, don't worry."

Princess peach goes forward to Mario not believe that Mario had the guts to fight on dk and was surprised that he didn't quit

Making Mario notice it more and didn't think of it big till now.

"Yeah my brother is the coolest!"

Just than Dk slams the door Coming out shouting out "I let him win! Just for the record!!" Jumping in surprise (Y/n) looks back to Dk and grins

"Really? Why would you do that? Hmm??"
(Y/n) asked giggling when Dk looks away blushing with a mad huff, "yeah why did you?" Mario said with out a second Dk grab the barrel that was next to him. Throwing it right at Mario making (Y/n) scream out ducking grabbing her brothers arm pulling him with her.

(Y/n) yells out fixing her hat walking up to Dk, grabbing his tie

"Don't be such a baby! Just cause you lost doesn't mean you have to start throwing a tantrum!"

Dk doesn't say a word letting (Y/n) yell her heart out, he definitely felt his heart speed up.

Cranky kong swings his cane around hitting/pushing his son and barely hitting (Y/n) separating the two, (Y/n) looks back at Dk who doesn't say a word but made a face that was suppose to empress (Y/n)

"Emitted your a fan~"

(Y/n) lets out a huff of displease and pushes Dk arm but barley affect him.

"Still not one of your silly fans!"

Yeah!! Another done don't worry if they're not good I promise to come back to re-write them better,


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