their minds are amazing bettyboo125bo

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This is a book about writers on wattpad that really are amazing, their writing is moving, terrifying or makes you laugh so hard your on the floor nearly in tears. These amazing writers will be added to this book one by one but lets see whos second, here's a writer who is the one who makes you laugh at the hilarious embarrising scenes before you and the heavy sarcasm by some characters in her stories. Our second writer is bettyboo125bo.

here is how the interview went :

1. What inspired you to write your stories ?

My inspirations come from what entertains me, or catches my attention. For instance, "Luna: The Moon Goddess" was inspired by a picture I saw, which is now the book's cover :).

2. Do you know what is going to happen in your stories or do you just write your chapters as you go ?

I honestly don't plan too far ahead when writing my stories. I'm more of the "in the moment" kind of person, you know, the one who just goes with the flow. I just write from chapter to chapter, just so it'll be as fresh and new to me as it is to everyone who reads. Haha, sometimes I can't even believe I wrote some of the things I've written in "Sooner or Later...You Won't Resist Me". For instance. I'll go back to an early chapter and be like "Wow, I can't believe I wrote that" haha

3. How do you come up with your titles ?

This may sound weird, but I think of the story title AFTER I write the first chapter or description. I'll just write whatever comes to me, read it over, then a title will pop into my head and BAM! A masterpiece! Haha, no but seriously, I think my titles are kind of lame. I try to make one that gives you a hint of what the story's about, without TELLING you the story...

4. Are your characters inspired by family, friends or celebrities ?

There's a small portion of my characters that are inspired by friends and/or family, then there are some that aren't. Most of the characters are truely, 100% fictional; from nothing more than my imagination.

5. what is your favourite story you have wrote so far on wattpad ?

Ooh, my favorite story out of the one's I'VE written? Um...I don't's hard for me to actually pick from all five of them. "Untold...Yet Everyone Knows" was the very first story I've ever written, so of course it's very special to me. If I had to choose, I'd probably say...ugh, I can't choose between them! They're all my favorites I guess. Haha, but that's a good question...maybe I should ask my fans that...

writers note to bettyboo125bo :

I dont think any of your fans would be able to decide between your amazing stories but we all think your a talented writer we are addicted to at least one of your stories.

6. Who is your favourite author on wattpad ? which story was your favourite ?

I don't have a favorite author on this website, but I do have a favorite story. "Dinner With A Vampire" by Canes12. It was, I think, the second book I read when I first joined this website. It's my favorite because it's so descriptive and it makes you feel as though you're actually there, which is something I wish to master with my stories.

7. Do you start your stories with a title or a story line ?

I start each story with a storyline first. Like I stated before, I write the first chapter or descirption, THEN I think of the title. It's better and easier for me to make a good title that way, so I don't feel as though I have to stay true to the title before I even start the story.

8. What personality in a character do you like the best ?

oh...I love the kind of character who is humorous and entertaining to read. The one where you'd never know what they're gonna say next, but when they DO say something, it's always hilarious and makes you literally laugh out loud. Yeah, I love laughing so I like a character I can enjoying reading. Sometimes the bad-boy/girl characters are interesting, but only when they're not over-exaggerated.

so isnt she a lovely person, i love finding out answers about our faviourite writers if you have any other questions for bettyboo125bo or our previous writer, also any recommened stories or writers would be great, or if you want ot be interviewed i will read your story and see if i like.

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