their minds are amazing pandorE

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This book is all about the writers on wattpad that are just amazing, their writing is moving, terrifying or makes you laugh so hard your on the floor nearly in tears. These amazing writers will be added to this book one by one but here is a writer that i just love, she has done ...the catachresis... which i love!

here's my interview with pandorE :

1. what made you want to start writing ?

Well, nothing really made me want to start. It just kinda happened, with the idea of being able to make your own worlds and characters. So I kept writing, and it was just okay at first, and then it blossomed into something I loved and wanted to do for the rest of my life.

2. do you know where the story is going or is it just chapter by chapter ?

Totally chapter-by-chapter. If I do plan it out, it's usually some scene that happens far off in the book, haha. I go by head and whatever happens, happens. It's all up to the keyboard.

3. how do you come up with your titles eg. the catachresis. ?

Usually, I title stories after one of the main themes/ideas/people in the novel. For example, The Catachresis generally covers the zombie-like monsters in the book, but it eventually ties in to one, main Catachresis, of course. Or Answers, where the whole book is about Fields trying to come up with an answer on how to save the lives of his friends. And Number9 is named after Nine, the villain.

4. how are your characters made, family, friends, celebrities or just people you meet in general ?

I never base my characters off of anything. I think them up from the top of my head. The closest I've come to basing a character off of another person/character is Sparrow, who was inspired by a video game character. Other than that, they're all original, from the top of my head.

5. what is your favourite story you have wrote ??

Oh, that's a toughie. I don't really have favorites; my favorite is my most recent, haha. Back when I only had TAA, The Insomniac, and .Mirror.Image//.02, .Mirror.Image//.02 was my favorite, because it was the newest. For now, my favorite is a tie between Number9 and Answers right now.

6. who is your favourite author on wattpad ?

xXDarkenedAngelXx. It's a hard choice, because there are SO many amazing authors. But xXDAXx (Wendy) is so, so good. And she writes things I like, with a little romance and a lot of horror and violence. Her style is fantastic too, flowing and smooth, easy to read. She really takes her readers on a ride, blows their minds, and keeps you on the edge of your seat. I really love her.

7. do you start with a title or a story line ?

Usually, I start with a storyline. In rare cases (like for .Mirror.Image//.02) it all started with the title. But like I said, I title stories after characters and major plot lines, which means I pretty much have to have the story first.

8. what personality do you like best in your charecters ?

Honestly, I love the bad guys. The jerks that make you want to punch them. I also love the type of character that has a sad story or past to make you want to sympathize with them, because I'm pretty much a sadist and enjoy making them go through inner hell and turmoil, haha. But I love a wide variety of characters, though I'd have to say the Jerks With a Heart of Gold, the flat out bastards, the tortured ones, and the violent, heartless ones.

i loved interviewing her, all the facts, and how thankful she was, so did you like her ? so any more questions send a comment or private message, and you know what to do if you have a author or title.

thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2011 ⏰

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