their minds are amazing writergurl95

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All your favourite writer has their own special way of capturing and enticing you by writing words that seem to fit perfectly together to make you feel moved, terrified or makes you laugh so hard your on the floor nearly in tears. These amazing writers will be added to this book one by one but third here's a writer who is the one who makes you laugh so hard you literlly need to run to the toilet but rushing so you can get back to the sarcastic headstrong characters that inside are scared and sad. this is an amazing writer called

writergurl95, check out her stuff

1. What inspired you to write ?

Everything and Everyone. Life in general.

2. Do you know what is going to happen in your stories or do you just write as it comes to you ?

A little bit of both. I have it mapped out in my head and as the story goes on I fix it here and there. I don't really have a plan lol.

3. How do you come up with you titles ?

I think about what the story is about and how it will turn out. So titles are based off of songs (Try to love again and You Are...). Some times I think of a chiche title and give my story that but not have it be chiche at all. Titles are the hardest and funniest part.

4. Are your characters inspired by friends, family or celebrities ?

Most of my characters are based off of friends, family and people in school. One or two might come from a movie character. One or two are based off of myself.

5.what is your favourite story you have wrote ?

"A Freshman and A Senior Love?". I based Alex off of myself and her freshman year of high school is a lot like mine.

~AN~ Cool! just to clarify for an english writers who dont get 'freshman year' its basically first year of highschool ~AN~

6. Who is your favourite author on wattpad ?

There are so many talented writers on here, I can't really pin point one. They are all amazing.

7. Do you start with a title or a story line ?

I start with a story line. I write the 1st chapter then I think of the Title

8. What personality in a character do you like the best ?

Headstrong, I'm tried of these damsels in distress. Most or All of my characters are like that.

What do you think ?? i love her trilogy 'he's a senior and i'm the freaky sophmore' which is a enticing story about a girl who is so lonely well until... if you havent read it i dont want to give anything away read it yourself !! the sequel is 'boyfriends ex best friend' and then the third story has just been started called 'blue eyes Vs. purple' so good so far, ek !! Remember any questions you want to ask any of the three writers post some comments or if you want a story reading tell me the name/ writer and i will happily !

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