their minds are amazing writer24

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so as usual ive been reading some more stories, thanks to keepreadingalways for the suggestion of almost single its got a great story line, and here i am doing an interview with them.

This is a book about writers on wattpad that really are amazing, their writing is moving, terrifying or makes you laugh so hard your on the floor nearly in tears. These amazing writers will be added to this book one by one but first here's a writer who is the one who makes you laugh at the heavy sarcasm from main character emma in almost single. so far she has a good first 6 chapters, im enjoying it, though the story hasnt picked up fuly, but guess what its going somewhere ! so once again heres my interview with writer24

1. what made you want to start writing ?

I have always enjoyed languages and writing in general. Right from a young age I really enjoyed reading as well, the many stories I read always inspired me. Later on when I turned to my teens I met a lot of interesting people and some really nice guys as well, they are what gave me the plot for my first story. But I just wrote that in private, when I found wattpad and saw I could upload anonymously that's when I decided I should do this!

2. do you know where the story is going or is it just chapter by chapter ?

I know my basic plot line for most stories but sometimes I meticulously plan the whole story chapter wise. But the 2 stories I have on currently that are Almost Single and Royal Pain I just know what my ending is, I write as I feel would suit the story, I often re-read, edit or even delete and rewrite an entire chapter at times

3. how do you come up with your titles ?

Mostly they are inspired by very little things and then I build around it. Like Nate in Almost Single is kind off based on a friend of mine. One night when none of us could sleep and we were gossiping on the phone I got the idea for this.

4. how are your characters made, family, friends, celebrities or just people you meet in general ?

It's pretty random! I would actually say its a mix, sometimes parts of a character are of a friend of mine, as I mentioned about Nate above. But then I mostly let my imagination build it.

5. what is your favourite story you have wrote ??

I technically haven't finished any story so I couldn't say that yet!

6. who is your favourite author on wattpad ?

Kirsty1000 definitely. But I also like bacutie4eva , Aliceally6 , Ohainurse and bettyboo125bo.

7. do you start with a titlee or a story line ?

Story line, Titles are always the last thing I come up with.

8. what personality do you like best in your charecters ?

I like how they all have a happy ending, I don't plan on having a sad ending for any of my stories but you never know what I might end up doing. They always try to make things right when something goes wrong, they are humble enough to admit their mistakes even though they might be cocky enough to make mistakes. Also sometimes I base a character of what I would like to be, or what my boyfriend could be like or one of my friends, something like that.

ah! great interview im getting into this, remember any writers or stories you think i will like drop me a comment or private message me, any other questions you want to ask for any writers that i have interviewed, blackrose54, bettyboo125bo, writergurl95 or writer24, well you know what to do.

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