CHAPTER 20: Dear mate

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An handsome guy walked into the palace with a small bag and his eyes darted around.

"You must be Wesley" Carlos said walking towards the guy with his hand behind him.

"Yes master" Wesley said bowing a little.

"You look lean to be a soldier. How the hell did the king want you to join his soldier?" He asked.

"Well you can't judge a book by it's cover. I'm sure I'm going to impress you with my skill" Wesley said bowing again.

"Hmm.. I think I'm going to like you" Carlos smiled.

"Take him to his room" he ordered the guard beside him.

While walking, Wesley looked around the palace. His eyes observing every single being in it.



Kingsley yawned before closing the book in his hand. He had been waiting for his aunt for and hour now.

He stood and asked of her again from one of the agency worker and they told him where she was.

"What is this!!!!" He heard someone yelled from inside and went in just to find an artist scolding his aunt.

"How many times to I have to tell you humans to stop pissing me off!!!" A blonde hair lady yelled at her. He could only see her back veiw.

"I'm so sorry miss.. please forgive me" His aunt bow a little with some tears in her eyes.

"Get out of my face before I'll do something really cruel to you!" She yelled again and his aunt bow before heading toward the exile. She stop when she saw Kingsley also coming in.

"What.." she couldn't finish as he walked towards the blonde hair lady with a fierce look on his face.


"Hey! What kind of lady shout on an elder so disrespectfully. I'm sure she is older than you for more than twenty years. How could you direspect her like that. Don't you have any home training?" Kingsley said.

The lady slowly tuned her chair to face him.


"Go out mister" Her manager said.

Kingsley aunt held his shirt and tried to pull him back.

"What.. Did you just call me disrespectful?" She smirked. "Twenty years older?. Ha.. I bet you you'll be so shock if I tell you my age!!.. so keep your mouth shut"

Kingsley was quiet because the lady look so familiar like he had seen her before.

"And fuck off!!" She yelled.

"Or I'll eat your liver" he completed remembering where he had met her.

Mara frowned hearing the gibberish he just spurted out. Is he possessed?

But how come he look a bit familiar?

Kingsley smiled widely.

"The masked girl"


Diana stood facing the mirror, she sweep one side of her hair backwards revealing the bite. It looks like a mark. Though it hurts a bit but she feel right having it.

"Admiring it?" Dracula asked walking towards her. He wrapped her arm around her tiny waist and place his perfect jaw on her right shoulder.

"No I wasn't" She said with shy smile on her face.

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