CHAPTER 34: Seduction

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"She's pregnant Sir" The doctor repeated and Aaron lips remain parted. Never in million years would he think that he would actually be a father.

"P..p..reg.. nant" he stuttered then looked her Gloria.

Her gaze was on the floor as so many thoughts run through her head. She is pregnant for the monster who literally stole her freedom. The memories of how Aaron sexually abused her made her heart hurt.

"I'll go prescribe the drugs for her to use" the doctor said and left the room.

Scott clinched his jaw as he stared coldly at Aaron. Gosh! He so much hate this guy. Remembering Gloria plead and tears at the police station, he gaze turn colder.

" I can't be pregnant.. why would I be pregnant?" Gloria stuttered.

"Gloria" Lizzy called holding her hand.

"No!" She snapped jerking her hand away from her.

"I can't be pregnant.. you don't understand.. I just can't.." Gloria began to sob.

"Gloria" Aaron tried to move close to her.

"No!! Don't you fucking come close.. just leave, y'all should leave.. I wanna be alone" she said.

"Gloria" Ciara called.

"Just leave!!!" She yelled and sucked in a deep breath.

"We should go" Lizzy said holding Ciara.

Scott turn to Aaron whose gaze was on Gloria the whole time.

"Let her be for now" he said standing before him.

A loud sigh escaped Aaron lips and he left the room. Scott gave Gloria one last glance before leaving too.

Immediately they left Gloria buried her face in the middle of her folded knee and cried hard. She can't be pregnant for a monster.


Two maids was busy washing Mara's long blonde hair while she was in the tub. Her mind drifted to what Kingsley had said to her. She had been avoiding him ever since that day.

Her thought drifted to their make out. His soft lips on hers, the way his hand roamed all over her body sending sweet pleasure all over her.

'I like you Mara' the word rang in her head and her eyes flew open.

"This is getting out of hand" she mumbled.

The sound of a glass shatter made her spranged up.

The maid gasped so loud seeing what she had done. She was on her way to bring a drink for Mara when she mistakenly dropped it.

"Bitch!!" Mara snapped and her eyes glows immediately.

"I'm so sorry my Lady"

"I hate hearing that fucking apology every single day" Mara lifted her hand and the piece of glass began to float in the air.

"Please forgive me.. I'm new here, please have mercy" The young maid cried bowing completly.

'I like you Mara' Kingsley words rang again in her ear and she groaned out in frustration. She dropped her hand and the pieces of glass fell on the floor without injuring the young maid.

"Fuck that guy!" She cursed and walked out of the tub. She stretched her arm wide and the maid quickly covered her nakedness with clean cloths.

Mara looked back at the maid whose head was still buried on the floor.

"Consider today as your lucky day. I won't hesitate to kill you if that happens again" she said and walked out of the room.

Getting out of the room, she surprisingly knew where to find him.

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