CHAPTER 39: Unexpected

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"Fuck you!" Diana spat pushing Evanora metres away from Lilith. However, her breath suddenly hold and her chest tightens, she went on her knees again and blood spurt out of her lips. She held her chest which was squeezing in pain at moment and gasped out for air.

Evanora smiled seeing this, but her smile didn't last for a second as she felt a light pain on her palm. Her eyes widened when she look at it.

Her five finger were been chopped off by Diana's blade, she doesn't have her full power but she was this strong?

Lilith forced herself to look up at Diana who was busy holding her chest with her face squeezing so much.

"C.. Control your b.. breath Ana, Let your e..nergy flow" she forced herself to speak. Her whole body was covered in her own blood and her situation was critical.

Evanora immediately healed herself and her fingers appeared back immediately.

Seeing Lilith telling Diana was to do, she used her back magic to threw her towards the wall, Lilith hit her back and her body went limp.

"Your body can't take the power, you're just too weak.. just let me have it" Evanora said with an evil smile.

Diana gasped loudly but it only made the pain on her chest worsen as more blood came out her lips.

A sacartic laughter came out of Evanora's lips as she observed Diana.

"Your heart hurt doesn't it?" She asked and Diana forced her head up to look at her.

'How did she know?' She asked herself inwardly.

"Do you know how Martha died?" She swing her black sword and placed it gently on her shoulder then chuckled. "A stab on the heart"

"Argh!" Diana groaned again, the pain right there was unbearable. She felt like pulling out her own heart just to stop the pain.

Evanora walked closer to her and placed her sword on Diana's neck. "I'll just make it easier for you by chopping off your head" Evanora said.

However, the air in the carven changed and a large force threw Evanora away from Diana, she hit her back on a large stone which shattered and fell on her.

"You okay?" Someone asked lightly


"argh!" Diana groaned holding her chest tightly.

Scott came in also and the scene in front of him shocked him to the bone.

Lilith was laying lifelessly on the ground with blood all over her face and body while Diana seems to be in so much pain.

"L..lilith" Diana muttered.

Scott ran to Lilith first and placed her in his arm.

"Lilith" he called lightly but no response.

"Lilith" he called again tapping her cheek lightly.

Lilith slowly opened her eyes to him and smiled lightly.

"W..what t..ook you so l..long dumbass" She said in a total weak voice.

"Stay put.. let's get you out of here" He said carrying her in his arm.

A loud scream echoed in the room and they all look at where it came from.

With a split of second, Evanora grabbed Diana out of the carven but Mara was fast enough to follow her. She slashed Evanora's back with her hideous claws and she let go of Diana.

Texan jumped and caught Diana before she could even land on the floor.

"Ana!" Marisa called running to her, her heart shattered seeing Diana's painful expression.

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