CHAPTER 36: Chaos

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Aaron walked into his room, not seeing Gloria, emptiness filled his heart. She had been staying with Lizzy ever since the news of her being pregnant was revealed.

He had just came back from Berlin after taking care of some business there. He entered the bathroom and allow the cool shower hit his body trying to calm himself down a little.

Her smile, her bold talk, her body, her pink.. fuck!

He was going crazy already, he swept his hair backwards and groaned in anger. How can she affect him this much. Just few days of not seeing her is enough to make him go nut.

Remembering how she was hurt by him, his heart ache. This has never happen before. He fuck girls in a harsh way but she was different.

Back in Berlin, he tried fucking other girls.. but damn Gloria's face kept on driving him crazy.

She is now pregnant for him.

Cursing under his breath, he wore his shirt and vanished into where Gloria was.

Gloria was busy watching a movie on Lizzy pink Laptop when he appeared. Her face turned sore immediately she saw him.

"Hey" He said scratching his head.

"I told you not to come here" Gloria shifted back.

"Gloria look I.. I... am sorry" he said and her eyes widened.

"I know I hurt you really bad and might not be able to forgive me.. but fuck!.. I can't live without you Gloria. I'm literally going crazy day by day with you not by my side. I'm really sorry for what I did and I promise never to hurt you..

"I LOVE YOU" He said. Never had he said those three words before, not to his own mother.

Gloria lips parted only stayed parted.

"And as for the child, I'll make sure to protect it and try my best to be a good father.. but I need your help Gloria, all of this is new to me.. so teach me how to be good for you"

"Don't just leave me.. please"



Lizzy peeked to check out the guards in charge, Scott was also behind her.

"How many of them?" He asked.

"Two.. with a scary look" she replied.

"You have a plan right?" Scott asked and Lizzy blinked severally. "You don't?" He gasped.

"I don't need a plan for this.. watch me" she smirked and walk out before Scott could stop her.

Lizzy walked towards the guards holding her head high.

"Uhm.. sorry you can't be here my lady" One of the guard said to her.

"Huh? Don't you know who I am?" She asked.

"I know you, my Lady but this is a direct order from the king" he replied calmly.

"The king is my father so let me in" she said and began to walk towards the dungeon.

"No.. you can't" he touched her hand lightly

Lizzy gasped loudly and shifted backwards, with her eyes widened, she held her arm.

"Oh!.. Oh!... you hit my arm!" She swing her arm left and right and made a painful expression.

The guard looked at each other in confusion.

"What's she doing?" Scott muttered hiding in his spot.

"Ah!! That hurt!.. my hand hurt so bad it's about to fall!!" She began to shed crocodile tears scaring the shit out of them.

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