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Rose yawned as she glanced at the clock in her bedroom. 6:57AM. She looked over at her mum beside her who was sleeping in a pair of Rose's pj's. After Rose's parents heard that Pedro was staying at his, they insisted they stayed the night to ensure she was ok. Her mum slept in bed with her while her dad took one of the spare beds.

Rose grabbed a sanitary towel from the bag of medicine beside her and waddled to the bathroom. She  made her way into the kitchen and took some pain relief.

"How you feeling?" Jon questioned as he walked into the kitchen.

Rose shrugged as she finished her glass of water, "ok, I guess"

Jon gave her a hug and made them both some coffee. "Heard from Pedro?"


They both sat at the kitchen island and rose sighed, "what if this is what breaks us up? I don't want to lose him"

Jon fixed his glasses to his face, "Rosemary, if he loves you like I think he does, you'll both be just fine"

"He really wants kids, dad. I'm not ready"

"Has your mom ever told you about when we conceived you?" He smiled at the memory.

"Yeah, I was an accident" rose shrugged.

Jon laughed lightly, "no, Rose. I mean the actual story of how you came to us"

"What do you mean?"

"Your mom was 26, I was 31. Your mom didn't know she was pregnant with you until she was six months along. And eight months before she found out about you, she'd just had an abortion"

"What? She never said that" Rose widened her eyes.

Jon nodded, "yep. She did not want kids, ever. I wasn't much help, I didn't mind either way. Anyway, she had the abortion and we fell pregnant with you. When we found out, your mom cried and cried and cried for days. I tried to console her and she'd just push me away, it almost broke us. The doctors said we still had time to abort, but we only had a week to decide to keep you or not. I wanted to have a family, your mom didn't. I was at the peak of my career, we were happy just as a married couple. That's how your mom wanted it to stay. I told her how I felt but I let her have the ultimate decision, I'd support her regardless of the choice she made...and she chose to abort you"

"She did?!" Rose gasped.

"She did. So, we booked into the clinic. I held her hand throughout all of the pre-op tests. I cried in the bathroom before we left. I wanted a family but I love and respected your mom too much to force her into that"

"Did you think about divorcing her?"

"Never" Jon stated, "as much as I wanted a family, I wanted your mom even more. I would be content with your mom as we grew old. Anyway, we had the pre op done, and sat in the room waiting to be called in to surgery. Your mom was crying a little and I kept telling her she was making the right choice. The nurse came in to call her to surgery and your mom changed her mind. She literally said 'no, I want to keep it'. I couldn't believe it"

"What did you do?"

"What did I do? I asked your mom probably a thousand times if she's sure. And then we had 3 months to prepare, then after you came your siblings"

Rose exhaled, "I dunno, dad. I want kids, I do. I just don't know when"

"Sweetie, you never know. And you're never ready. It's just one of those things you deal with as you go along"

"It's weird, I didn't want this baby but I'm mourning it?" Rose frowned.

"That's normal. I still think about the baby that was aborted before you. What could've been. But one thing I do know is that you are the best thing that's ever happened to me." 

"Really? But you're so successful" Rose frowned.

"So what? You think all of the awards and fame will mean something to me when I'm dying of old age? No. Your mom and you and your brothers and sisters are what will be beside me. That's what matters to me. Take away my awards and never let me get another acting role, so what? I don't care about that stuff. My family is my priority, always."

"I guess you're right"

"Don't get me wrong, i love how career driven and hard working you are. And you still have a lot of time to think about kids and marriage. But, you also have plenty of money to last you the rest of your life. I just don't want you to look back when you're my age and regret anything"

Rose nodded, "I know, dad. I love you"

The duo were interrupted by a key unlocking the front door. They glanced over and saw Pedro walk in, he looked sad, deflated, guilty, exhausted. He had a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a bag of groceries in the other.



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