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The couple didn't speak about the pregnancy for the duration that they were alone in the hospital room. Rose was in shock. She couldn't speak, couldn't think, she could barely hear Pedro mumbling to her.

"Rose? You there?" He joked half heartedly.

"Hmm?" She hummed as she glanced up at him.

"You're discharged, the nurse just came with the papers. Want me to take you home?"

"I'm staying with mom and dad" rose mumbled.

"You are?" He frowned.

"I told dad to tell you incase you needed me for something"

"I've been texting him all week, I've been texting both of you all week. I didn't hear anything back from either of you" Pedro frowned.

"My phone has been off. Tom was texting me and the press are speculating, it's just not what I need" Rose sighed.

"What did Tom want?" Pedro bit his lip.

Rose sighed as she looked at Pedro, she used him as support to stand up, grabbing her sweats. Pedro helped her untie the back of the hospital gown.

"Don't start, Pedro. He thought you and I broke up. I shut it down" rose stated.

Pedro took the gown from Rose and passed her some baggy trousers to put on, they both glanced down at the small wound on her abdomen.

"Sit" he ordered gently as rose sat down.

He leant on the floor and placed both of her feet through the trousers as he pulled them up.

"Arms up" he stated as he grabbed the T-shirt.

He unraveled it and smirked at rose, "this is mine?"

"I wanted something that smelt of you while I was recovering" rose blushed as he pulled the T-shirt over her head.

"I love you, rose" Pedro reassured as he stroked her head.

"I love you too" she whispered, "but we need to have some serious conversations later". Pedro nodded and the couple shared a delicate kiss.


The couple arrived back at Rosemary's house after collecting her things from her parents. Since they left the hospital a few short hours ago, they still hadnt spoken about the baby.

"Want me to run you a bath?" Pedro questioned.

"Sure, thanks" rose smiled. Although Rose's mind had been running a million miles an hour since being told she's still pregnant, she was sure of one thing. She wanted to keep the baby. But Pedro still had a lot of apologising to do.

Rose climbed in the bath and let the warm water soothe her tense muscles. Pedro sat on the edge of the sink while he watched her in awe.

"I don't want you to look at me differently now that I'm pregnant" rose sighed, "I'm still your girlfriend and I'm still really upset with how you acted"

Pedro nodded as he took his shirt off, running a hand through his hair. "I understand, Rose. I can't apologise enough for how I treated you and the way I left you last week" he bit his lip in hesitation, "and I- I'll respect whatever you decide to do with this baby. If you want to get an abortion I'll support you" Rose could tell it hurt him to say those words, but she appreciated his strength and growth.

"I know what I want to do" Rose nodded, glancing at him, "I want us to have this baby"

She watched as his face lit up, his eyes glossed over and he walked over to the tub as he leant down to her height.

"You do?" He whispered as he played with her hair.

Rose nodded, "I do. I mean, I'm shitting myself, I am petrified. But, I feel like it was a sign and I- I want us to become a family"

"I love you so much, Rosemary. I really do" he whispered as they shared a kiss.

Rose bit the bottom of Pedro's lip and he moaned in acceptance as she leant over and unbuckled his jeans.

He pulled away, "shower with me?" He panted.

Rose nodded quickly and grabbed Pedro's hands while he hoisted her out of the bathtub. He stripped himself of his remaining clothing while Rose turned the shower on, letting the hot water wash over her face. She placed her hands on her stomach and rubbed it with her thumb comfortingly, absorbing the life growing inside her that's fought so hard to stay there. Rose felt Pedro walk behind her as he placed his hands on top of hers, kissing her shoulder up to her earlobe, Rose leant her neck to open up more space, moaning lightly.

The sound alone made Pedro feral. He grabbed Rose's upper arms and hoisted her back to the wall. The freezing cold tiling on her back took her breath from her. Pedro picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist while he held her. He kissed her entire upper half, each kiss was more delicate, more tender, another apology. Rose gladly forgave him.

Pedro pulled away and Rose held his face as they stared at each other.

"I love you, Rosemary Favreau" Pedro whispered.

"I love you more" Rose kissed his cheek, tangling her fingers in his wet hair.

"Marry me"

Rose felt the air get sucked out of her lungs. It seemed so wrong considering the last week, but it felt so right and it was exactly what they both wanted. What they needed.


Pedro watched her face for a second as she said yes again. Surrendering herself to him completely, he shifted her body weight to one arm and grabbed his member. They locked eyes and Rosemary begged for him with nothing but a look. He pushed himself into her and a gasp escaped Rose's lips. He watched her face for a second as she regained herself. He thrusted again and Rose whispered in his ear.

"I love you so much, Pedro"

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