Chapter Thirteen: Bruises

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Janie was sat on her bed, nodding her head to the beat of the song that was playing through her headphones. She heard a knocking sound so quickly took the headphones off and listened, once again there was a knock at the door. She ran down the carpeted stairs and opened the door to see Ron's younger brother Sam stood on the step.
"Is Carol here?" He asked and she shook her head.
"I need to ask her something." He said, his big brown eyes looking up at her innocently.
"What do you need?" She asked moving her weight onto her other foot and placing her hand on her hip.
"A gun." He said. Janie furrowed her brow at him before pulling him inside the house by his sleeve and shutting the door.
"Why do you need a gun and why would Carol have one?" She asked sternly. "Don't lie to me."
"Carol said she needs to protect herself." He replied as Janie just stared at him knowing he was dodging the first question. "I do too." He said before opening the door and running out.
Janie followed but he was nowhere to be seen, she looked around before noticing Carl climbing the wall so she decided to follow.

She kept some distance as he trudged through the woods, he stepped over a large log before stopping, a girls voice was talking to him.
"Carl." The voice said. "I know you're following me again and you're going the wrong way." Carl turned in every direction, trying decifer where the voice was coming from. "You're very loud." Suddenly Enid stepped out from behind a tree right infront of him.
"What do you do out here?" He asked her and a mischievous grim formed on her face.
"Same thing as you." She said before turning on her heel and running away, he ran after her laughing.
Janie sighed before walking back to Alexandria.

The sound of glass shattering echoed around the town as Janie jumped down from the wall, and Rick and Pete came tumbling out of the window. Janie ran over to see Pete ontop of Rick, they were both strangling each other and both covered in blood. Jessie tried to pull Pete off but he swung his arm back and hit her straight in the face. Rick got Pete in a chokehold as Deanna joined the quickly forming crowd surrounding them.
"Stop it!" She yelled and Rick looked up at her for a moment.
"You touch them again and I will kill you." He spat at Pete before letting go of him and pulling out a gun and pointing it at the crowd.
Janie slowly walked away, still watching the scene until she got to Jessie's house where she ran up the stairs to find Ron looking out of the window.
"Hey." She said and he turned quickly before exhaling and sitting down on his bed, she sat down next to him. "You okay?"
"Fine." He replied.
"You know, my dad used to abuse me too." She said. "And my mom and grandad."
"My dad doesn't abuse me." He looked at her angrily but she just laughed.
"You're funny." She said but his frown didn't falter. "Where's your brother?"
"In the cupboard." He replied before studying her confused face. "Our mom put a lock inside his cupboard, when they argue he goes in there."
"Let him out." She said and he nodded and stood up. She stood up to and hugged him tightly before he left the room.
She looked out of the window to see what was happening.
"You still don't get it. None of you do!" Rick growled still waving his gun around. "We know what need to be done and we do it. We're the ones who live and we have to control who lives here."
"That's never been more clear to me than it is right now." Deanna replied sternly.
"Me? Me?" Rick asked. "You mean me?"

It was the next evening when Janie woke to see that Daryl was still out with Aaron. She got up and pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white tshirt with black sleeves, she looked down at her hair which had now been in braids for two days before slipping on some black and white converse and walking downstairs to see Carl reading to Judith in the living room.
"Morning." She said and Carl looked up.
"Morning." He laughed. "Everyone's at the meeting." He studied Janie's confused face. "About whether my dad can stay."
"Oh." She replied. "Can I sit?"

Janie joined them on the sofa as Carl put down Judith's book and picked up a music box from beside him. The outside of the box was pale yellow adorned in gold ornate swirls. Carl opened the box to reveal the dusty pink interior, on the inside of the lid was an oval mirror reflecting a blonde ballet dancer which was slowly spinning to the twinkling music. Judith giggled as she reached out to touch the dancer.
"Isn't she beautiful?" Carl spoke as he looked at Janie.
Suddenly a gunshot echoed around the town making the pair jump and Judith start crying.
"Get down." Janie whispered as she slowly got up and walked towards the window, she looked out onto the dark street but could only see the orange glow of a bonfire reflecting off of Deanna's house. "Don't move." She said as she walked to the kitchen and grabbed a large knife from the block.
"No!" Carl said as she reached for the door handle. "Don't!" But she ignored him and opened the door. She stepped and felt the cooling breeze wash over her when suddenly someone grabbed her and pushed her back into the house. It was Daryl.
"What's going on?" She asked as Rick and a man she had never met before followed behind.
"Pete's dead." Daryl said and Janie's eyes flicked between him and Rick, he nodded. "Deanna told him to do it."
"This is Morgan." Rick said pointing to the man next to him, he had dark skin, wearing a long tan coloured coat and holding a large stick as if he were hiking up a particularly steep hill.

- Princexiero xx

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