before it all started

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- Y/N POV -

today was a great day because mom took me to D.C, I always wanted to see here and since mom had some work here that she didn't want to tell me about so she took me with her, we walked together in west potomac park and we had a full view of the capitol and the lincoln memorial, mom was still on the phone

Mom: yes, we are not far, yes, we will come to you

suddenly mom grabbed my hand and started leading me somewhere

Y/N : mom where are we going?

Mom: I need to do something, I can't take you with me, and a babysitter made time for you

I was upset because mom went to work again

Y/N: are you working again?

Mom: I'm sorry Y/N but I promise when I'm done I'll take you to the aviation museum here like you wanted

Y/N : seriously?

I was excited

Mom: yes, but you have to be nice

I obediently followed my mom and we walked towards Capitol Hill

Timeskip 10 minutes later

we waited for a while by the stairs to the huge building, I wanted to ask if we could look inside, but then someone shouted at us

??? : hey right here

we turned around and saw a lady in a business suit and a girl about my age

Mom: thank you for looking after him

Emeline : my name is Emeline Shaw and no problem this is my daughter Savannah

Mom : Y/N and thank you very much

mom gave the lady some money before suddenly running off i was a bit scared of the lady

Emeline: don't worry boy, mommy entrusted you to us for a while

I came closer and her daughter waved at me

Savannah : I'm Savannah, today my mom and I are going to the Zoo, do you want to go with us?

I just whined because I've never been to the Zoo

- Timeskip 2 hours later -

we went to the Zoo and it was amazing, there is so much to see and Ms. Emeline took us practically everywhere, we saw snakes, crocodiles and even lions

Savannah : it's amazing

Savannah and I then fed the zebras together by the fence, Savannah and I tried to feed them and they came over and ate from our hands

Emeline: let's finally look at one more place

Y/N: what place ?

Savannah: polar bears?

Emeline just nodded

Savannah: who's last is a spoiled brat

Y/N : I won't

I ran with her and we ran straight to the polar bear ward

- Timeskip 10 minutes later -

Savannah's mother was last and we laughed at her, then we looked inside the big tank where the polar bears were swimming

Savannah : look, there's a mother with a baby

Savannah then pointed to a bear swimming by

Y/N : thick

Mrs. Emeline knelt between us and put her arms around our waist

Emeline : do you see how she protects her young...?

Timeskip 2 hours later

it started to get evening and my mom came back for me, I expected her to take me to the museum, but as soon as she saw me she picked me up and ran away, I didn't even have time to say goodbye to Savannah or Mrs. Emeline

Y/N: Mom? where are we going

mom : there is no time to explain Y/N, we have to go and now!!!

Mom put me in our car and we headed back home on the freeway or so I thought because she forgot to turn and took me somewhere else

Y/N : mom where are we going?

Mom : Y/N now listen to me...

in that mom's watch started to glow orange

Mom: damn, I thought I had more time, damn it

mom stopped by some old cottage and pulled me out of the car and then pushed me inside

Mom : Y/N, mom is going to have to disappear for a while now, we prepared this cabin for an emergency, I promise I'll be back as soon as I can, you have to be a good boy for me, can you handle it? you remember what i taught you

I remembered how my mom taught me how to survive in the wild so i nodded my mom let out a few tears before she kissed my forehead and ran back to the car and drove off, I didn't know what was going on but maybe the tv would be here to tell me

the only immune one (Yandere female x male child reader)Where stories live. Discover now