the real evil is yet to come

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- Y/N PoV -

Mayhem released me from this hideous trap and grabbed my hand, her grip was firm and she didn't give me a chance to break free and run, she started to lead me through individual corridors that looked like vandals were going to take care of them

Y/N : miss mayhem where are you taking me?

she didn't speak, she just continued to lead me through the dirty corridors, thanks to which we recognized that we were at the Union Arena stadium, only that it didn't look like a stadium here, but like a den of some criminals, I was afraid only because several local people looked at me like an easy target, but every time they did Mayhem chased them away with just her look

Mayhem: are you hungry?

Y/N : no

at that my stomach grumbled as a sign of hunger, I blushed because I found it embarrassing, but mayhems only smiled a little before taking me to the dining room, where there was also a big mess in general, she sat me down at the table before she moved to another table where there were a few boxes and took out some apples from her before she handed them to me and then sat down at the table across from me

Mayhem : talk boy how about you tell me what you were doing on True Sons it's not every day 

they get interested in little boys like this

I thought about it and thought it would be better if I didn't say anything because sooner or later something would go wrong, we just slowly continued to eat until the dead body of a man who looked like a university student landed on our table, I was scared looked where it came from and saw several of those people beating the other prisoners unconscious

Mayhem : you should learn how to defend yourself while there is time

in fear, I looked again at mayhem who put the revolver on the table and moved it to me, I know that I should have been forbidden to use or just reach for weapons but I'm afraid that there is no other option because the Enchci will kill me too

Y/N : but, I can't with her

Mayhem : I'll teach you, follow me

she left the table, and since I didn't want to be alone, I grabbed my revolver and ran after her, she led me to the garage where several civilians were working to dismantle and store boxes with various things, Mayhem grabbed an empty can from the ground and placed it on the hood of a nearby car, then she stood up for me

Mayhem : now pick up your weapon

I obeyed her and she helped me to stand up correctly

Mayhem : shoot

I shot and was momentarily deafened by the shot, I missed the can and the bullet hit the car window, Mayhem helped me straighten up and help me aim

Mayhem : exhale and fire again

I did as she said and I fired, the can was hit and fell off the hood of the car, I was happy because we hit each other

Y/n : Yaay I hit the can

Mayhem : victorious, now for the hard part

I didn't know what they were thinking because we had already hit the target, Mayhem left for a moment before forcibly pulling one of the other captives, standing him next to the same car, the man was clearly scared but she just grabbed a can from the ground and put it on his head

the only immune one (Yandere female x male child reader)Where stories live. Discover now