lost in action

904 20 1

- Y/N PoV -

I was sitting in a small dining tent where Kiki took me immediately after waking up, the tent was right behind the capitol building and crates with the inscription "danger" were placed everywhere

Y/N : weird

apart from the crates, there were armed soldiers like Kiki everywhere, there were several Humvees and other similar cars that my mom drove, we ate a meal that consisted of a simple English daily meal that they prepared for me, the others ate slightly smaller meals that seemed to be fast food ready, Kiki was reading some book about raising children, I wasn't interested because I was thinking where to find my mom, when I finished the food I had, I was about to get up from the table and go explore the surroundings but Kiki grabbed my hand

Kiki : no rush you're not going anywhere without me

Y/N : but I just want to look around a bit

Kiki: there are a lot of dangerous things here, you could hurt yourself without me

I angrily folded my arms as I was forced to follow Kiki back to the capitol building, she led me through a small park where several people in civilian clothes were digging holes, we pulled Kiki by her vest

Y/N : Miss Kiki ? what are they doing here

Kiki stopped and looked where I was pointing

Kiki: ignore them, come 

a few people digging holes noticed us

civilian : hey kid...help us

one of the soldiers came and hit him on the head with the butt of his rifle

True son : BACK TO WORK

I wanted to ask why people bother you, but Kiki just took me in her arms and carried me away

- Kiki PoV -

the boy is very curious and according to the manual lent to me by our doctor, he needs an environment where I will look after him well and he will not pay attention to his surroundings

Kiki : Y/N where did you say you wanted to see?

Y/N : The Air & Space Museum, which is nearby, but I don't think we'll have the chance to see it now

Kiki: don't worry, I'll arrange it somehow

coincidentally, the general gave the order to loot this museum for the purpose of building new weapons and ammunition, but I'm sure she won't mind too much if Y/N shows us something we haven't discussed yet, but what was even more beautiful was that Y/n was now excited and very he wanted to look there, I liked his little smile, I picked him up and kept him in my arms

Kiki: so it's agreed,  we'll take a little trip

-timeskip 30 minutes later-

 -Y/N PoV- 

Kiki really kept her promise and took me with herAir & Space Museum, on the way we met a lot of soldiers who were looking at us, Kiki kept me close to her until we reached the giant hall where there were really all kinds of amazing machines, some of them were dismantled or destroyed but it was amazing to see them, I torch ran and started to examine them closely but Kiki caught me again

Kiki: what I said about going somewhere without me

I just hung my head

Y/N : ,,that I can hurt myself,,

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