I'm already here waiting for you

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- Kiki PoV -

Y/N started squirming and trying to wriggle out of my arms

Kiki : Y/N calm down or I will get angry

he didn't calm down and it was a little harder to hold him

Y/N : no you tried to hurt mom you are evil

Kristi: I'm not going to listen to this

the black tusk girl reached into the first aid kit in the helicopter and pulled out some kind of syringe as she walked towards us we held Y/N tighter and Y/N also grabbed me when he saw what was coming towards him

Kiki : hey, this is a bit much

Kristi: hey, we're going to put him to sleep once we land anyway, we can't afford him just running around the base

when Y/N heard this he tried one more escape, I had no problem holding him until the chopper shook a bit and he got out he tried to run around the cabin but Kristi caught him very quickly and injected him into his neck causing him to immediately pass out and he fell into her arms, I angrily got up from the seat and turned to the pilot


Black Tusk Pilot: I'm sorry ma'am, I've been ordered to fly as high as possible for safety, there are gusts of wind, minor turbulence

I angrily turned back to the girl, she cuffed Y/N's hands behind his back before placing him on the seat and handcuffing him

- Kristi PoV -

I strapped the boy to the seat and was going to sit next to him, but the girl from True sons pushed me aside, I sat opposite them angrily

Kristi: you're kind of protective around him, why? he's just a little brat after all

Kiki just fixed the boy's hair before looking at me angrily

Kiki : well, there are very few children these days, and even fewer are as innocent as him...

Kristi: and so precious...

Kiki: I don't care, I have to protect him and I don't care if I have to treat him like a son

Kristi: he doesn't seem to have a lot of love for you

Kiki looked at me even more angrily

Kiki : that's easy to fix when his biological mother isn't here, someone will have to take over and he'll have no one but me

she was proud of how it was supposed to be the most amazing thing she had ever done

Kristi : I still don't get it

Kiki then pulled the boy closer to her

Kiki : it's a nice change when someone wants your attention for something other than your body or your job for once

Kristi: like?

Kiki hugged the boy very tightly and since the boy was asleep he didn't fight back, God knows why, but suddenly the idea of a hug from someone who doesn't just want to get into bed with me or risk my life in a fight comes to me

Kristi : it doesn't matter anyway, once we land his care will fall to me so he'll be under my supervision, you go back to DC to see your boss

Kiki: WHAT?

the only immune one (Yandere female x male child reader)Where stories live. Discover now