in safe hands

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= Y/N PoV =

I sat in a small room where I was taken immediately after the nice doctors examined me, she told me that it would be my room temporarily, it wouldn't be so bad, I had a bed, a table with a tablet so I could watch movies, one box with things on change of clothes and nothing more, mom locked the door because she didn't want me to be anywhere, I was sad before the door opened and mom came again

M/N : hey Y/N sorry about all this come here

my mother worried about me, I repaid it with a sacrifice, I was very happy that I found her and I wanted to tell her everything

Y/N : mom why are we here? what's happening ?

M/N : Y/N, it's a bit of a tough situation right now

Y/N: are you mad at me?

Mom let me go before taking my hand and leading me out of the room

M/N : but not at all, I'm glad you found me, I just wish it had happened differently

she led me to the balcony of the white house where we were, honestly it would be amazing if there weren't all those soldiers and various crates and computers here

M/N : Y/N now I'm going to want you to be a big boy and tell me everything you saw before you got here

I wanted to talk but then someone came up to us, looking tired and worried, holding a walkie-talkie in his hand and he didn't seem like he had time to wait

Manny : Y/N, can I talk to you?

M/N: won't it wait?

Manny : no because...

Y/N : I met Ms. Emiline, she is fine....

M/N: what?

Manny: that's what I wanted to talk to you about

the man then pulled mom aside and tried to talk to her about something

Manny : your son should have been dead several times but instead he's here and somehow made it to the Hyen Arena

M/N : it must be a mistake, my son sometimes has a strong imagination but nothing more

mom picked me up off the ground and laid my head against her neck

Manny : we got some data from the true sons, they name him as the creator of the anti virus, his blood is the cure for this whole problem

mom blocked my ears but we still heard

M/N: what are you going to do? dissect him? if you're just thinking about it, believe me, Manny, you're a dead man

Manny: What? no way, the thing is i need as much blood as possible from your son and i need to hide him too if all this is true washington will be after him

I was afraid and I held on to my mother tightly, I was in tears, my mother noticed and started comforting me, she hummed a lullaby that she hums to me every time she wants me to calm down, I like her but I hate it when she uses it against me, she stopped I was shaking but I refused to let go

M/N: fine, but I will know everything, where should I hide it?

Manny: he will go to the castle settlement, my wife will lead it there, I will make sure he fits in with the other children and they won't find him

the only immune one (Yandere female x male child reader)Where stories live. Discover now