unwanted welcome (NoodleXcyborgnoodle fanfiction)

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you come home from a deadly adventure.

youve been shot at, bruised, deserted at sea, and starved.

you come home to your family/friends, what would you expect? i really dont know what i expected. yes i got alot of "welcome back!", "its great to have you back noods!", and "we missed you!" but i also got something that wasent....err... the greatest welcome.

they made a cyborg out of my DNA.

what would you do? well, i thought they were going to get rid of.... uhh... err.. "it". but no- murdoc said "shes part of the family."

i mean i knew they were going to get a subsitute- but a cyborg? it seems more like a permanent subsitute instead of a temporary one...

and i cant help but feel a bit betrayed and jeleouse of it.

i hear knocking at my door. i jump at the noise- my mind screams to run and hide. i have a miny panic attack.

"its ok noodle- its probly 2-D or murdoc-" i almost growl at murdoc- hes the one that made it- the cyborg. and even showed it the same love and compassion he shows me.

i cautiously tip toe to the door- hey being isolated and hunted down for months doesent help with my anxiety.

i slowly open the door.

"how may i-" i almost growl at the sight in front of me. its the bloody cyborg. "oh what do you want?" i shift my left hand to my left hip and scan her in disgust.

"i thought maybe we could hang out- you know since we are the only girls." she says. she looks exacly like me, same purple/blue/blackish hair, same length, same pale skin. but she looks a tad bit tougher than me.

i really dont want to hang out with her- let alone be in the same room with her.

"ohh uhh.. i have to take a shower." i say. i mean i really have to- i havent taken a shower in forever- literally.

she nods.

"oh ok- maybe later." she smiles. i fake a smile back.

"ya!" i say with fake enthusiasm.

"maybe i could wash your dress for you while your washing up." she offers. i tilt my head slightly.

maybe... im about to say yes when the thoughts about whay she could possibly do to it. poison it, rip it, shrink it...etc.

"oh thats ok." i say. she tilts her head.

"oh ok, want to borrow some of my cloths?" she asks. oh great they even got it cloths.

"oh no that's fine- theres already a few outfits in here." i say.

"oh ok.. well see you later, noodle." she smiles and walks away. i groan and quickely shut the brown wooden door.

i SHOULD take a shower, i mean i am pretty dirty. i scan my room- or the extra room they had at plastic beach. its very simple- a closet, a bed with white sheets and pillows, wooden floors, a small porthole mirror, a small red rectangular rug, a dresser with an oval mirror on top, a bathroom, a closet, and a small bedstand.

i check the closest- and i find some cloths- luckily 2-D actually thought about me. i grab a neon yellow tinktop, skinny jeans, a neon orange shirt, panties, and a bra.

i go into the bathroom, its really simple, a toilet, a sink, a few mirrors and a bathtub/shower.

i strip off all my clothing that i havent taken off in weeks. i look at myself.

im bruised, dirty, scared, cut, and you can count my rips that stick out.

i fill up the tub of clear fresh water, i spy a bubble bath bottle. i smile and lick my cracked stinging chapped lips. i unscrew the top to the yellow bottle and i peel off the silver peel covering the opening.

the aroma of bananas fill the air. i inhale the scent before dumping half of the bottle into the tub.

i slowly dip my left foot into the warm water. i feel excited as i dip my whole body into the bubbly water. i sigh in contentment. it may be small but its the best luxury ive had in months- actually its the only luxury ive had in months- not counting being on that cruise ship that got attacked by the pirates and sank. i remember struggling to get on my raft. the saltwater stung my eyes and throat. it was like that for weeks- of being in the hot blazing sun that would burn me and the saltwater would worsen my thirst and burn my chapped lips- espeically when seaweed somehow managed to float to the surface- i tried to dry it in the sun so the sea water wouldent burn my lips when i ate it- but i was starving- almost mad with hunger and anxiety- and i would scarf it down as soon as i pulled it out of the water. i remember my stomache growling and begging for more- feeling like knifes slowly digging into my stomache. it was unbearable but i couldent stop it. but it got better after russel found me- he is a giant from the water pollution

a bubble lands on my nose and pops causing me to pop out of my agonizing memories.

i sigh and grab a blue bar of soap. it smells of sweet mint. i begin scrubbing my body.

it took awhile to clean my body- half an hour to be exact,i also shaved up.

i drain the mucky bathwater- i quickely turn on the shower nozzle and sigh as the warm water hits my face feeling like heaven. i grab a shampoo bottle, and begin to scrub my knotty hair, then after i wash that out i scrub my hair with conditioner. i turn off the shower nozzle and wrap up in a fluffy white towel. i brush out my hair with a black hairbrush and i find a purple toothbrush and crest mint toothpaste waiting for me to use.

A/N: ok so hows the first chapter? its a NoodleXcyborgnoodle story unless you didint know. dont forget to



and fan :D

ok thanks. :)

unwanted welcome (NoodleXcyborgnoodle gorillaz fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now