the pirate battle

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"i cant murdoc sir! she wont move!" she yells back. "noodle!" she says quieter but loud enough for me to hear. "noodle, we have to go!" suddenly im darting towards the house covering my face against the bullets with the cyborg racing behind me. im suddenly back at el manana, on the floating windmill island- no i cant go through that again! it was to much! i rush into the house were i run into murdoc.

"s-sorry muds." i murmur but hes to busy to care.

"cyborg!" he basically pushes me away and points to the jets circling Plastic Beach. "get 'em." he says. she nods and salutes.

"yes master." she says rushing away. i look up at murdoc questioningly and confused with this secrete language, but hes looking at were the cyborg left. she finally returns with a large gun. it finally clicks.

"ok yew know wot to do." he says. she nods and rushes out. im almost as in shock as i was down by the beach five mineutes ago. she jogs out but before she leaves she turns towards me and mouths something but i cant understand it.. it kinda looked like 'i scream white..?' she waits a mineute than sighs and runs out shutting the door behind her.

"whats wrong with you?!" i almost scream at murdoc who looks down in shock.

"who-" but i cut him off.

"whats wrong with you?!" i repeat. "are you trying to kill her?!?!?!?"

"what are yew talkin abou?" he asks offended- but im to angry to care.

"she JUST got out of a near death experience- but what do you do?" i growl. "you send her back in! your just as stupid as 2-D!" i scream angrily. i hear a whimper, and turn to see 2-D with a hurt look on his face. i suddenly feel guilty.

"no 2-D- i-i didint mean it! honestly!" i say, but he runs away. "no 2-D wait!" i call after him. "im sorry.."

murdoc bursts out laughing his satinist cross jiggling on his chest. i feel angry again.

"what the hells wrong with you?" i scream. he keeps on laughing. "your such a bastard!!!!" i growl running to my room tears streaming down my face. i slam the door its bang echoes down the hall. i stomp around me room in circles before throwing myself on my bed and letting all the tears stream down my face. that bloody murdoc! deserves to burn in hell! its all his fault that 2-Ds most likely sobbing in his room- its his fault that cyborgs most likely gonna die! maybe even... RUSSELL!!!!! i totally forgot all about him!! were is he?!?! now im gonna lose everything! my father figure, my girlfirend/bestfriend, and my brother figure!!!

"murdoc you mother fucker." i murmur angrily chocking on my tears that wont stop. i swallow the lump in my throat and im able to quiet my sobs.

i sit up on bed wiping away a tear. the sounds of gunshots echo all around me. i hear Russel shout loudly, i peer out my window worried. i feel the tears threaten to pour out of my eyes- Russel is grabbing a plane and smashing it into the water- his arm is coverd in blood. cyborg has a bullet wound at the top of her head and its sparking. shes shooting at the pirate jets that are showering bullets down on the both of them. i look away the tears streaming again. i wipe away my tears sniffing.

i have to fo apologize to 2-D. but how? i just called him stupid! ya hes overly sensitive- but still it was mean.

i notice the bullets have stopped and so has the sound of jet engines.

i peer out the window to see Russel soaking his hand in the sea water. i feel that somehow this is all my fault- maybe the pirates are tracking me down. i get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

i slowly get up and rush outside were cyborg and murdoc are talking.

"i dont think thats the last of- oi look who it is!" he says grinning a devilish grin at me. "its noodle!" i roll my eyes at his sarcasm.

"here i am!" i reply sarcastically. "whats wrong with russel-san?"

he shrugs. acting dumb.

"tell me!" i hiss. he growls.

"hes gonna be fine!" he says.

"what about her?" i say pointing to the cyborgs bullet wound.

"what 'bout her? why do you care? i thought you hated her!" he says. i pause.

"oi! russel told me- you even told me to destroy her!" he says. cyborg looks at me with hurt eyes.

"really?" she whispers barely audible- but the hurt is as loud as a gunshot.

"i-i- no! i mean yes, but-"

"i thought we were friends?!" she yells at me- but i know what she really means.

"w-we are its just i used-"

"whatever! just leave me alone!" she yells storming off back to her room.

"no! wait!" i scream. "just lighsen.." i whisper.

i turn towards murdoc angrily holding back the tears that threaten to leak out.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!" i scream surprising him a bit. "ARE YOU HAPPY NOW??!?!?!? NOW 2-D HATES ME AND SO DOES CYBORG YOU DICK!!!!"

"no they dont your over reactin'" he says rolling his eyes. "your probably just on yur monthly gify."

more anger bubbles up in me- my face turns red and hot.


"i-i-" he stutters.

"JUST DO ME A FAVOR AND NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN!!!!!" i scream running back to my room quickely.

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