Dog park

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Warnings: attempt kidnapping, forced action (if anything else, please let me know! <3 )

Fluff-angst- fluff
POV: no one
Roman and Virgil have been going to the dog park recently with their dog, Maimai. Virgil was holding the leash and Roman's hand till, "hey babe, how about I get us some water and snacks" roman said. Virgil looked up at him and smiled. "Sure, I can just sit down over there" Virgil said to roman. Roman seemed fine with that idea and let go of Virgil's hand and kissed him goodbye while he walked to the vending machine. Virgil then walked over yo the nearest bench and Maimai sat under his feet.

A few minutes passed by as Virgil waited for roman to get back, Virgil was on his phone looking at Instagram when this guy comes over. "Hey, pretty~" the man tells Virgil. "Uhm..."
Virgil responded with. "What's a pretty boy doing out here,...alone~..." the man asked. "I am waiting for me FIANCÉ, so if you could please walk away, that would be fantastic" Virgil said, trying I sound intimidating but ended up failing, miserably.

"No thanks" the man said, getting closer to Virgil. "How about you come with me tonight~.." the strange ugly man tried to grab Virgil but got stopped by someone. "Hey..yeah..the only place he is going is to MY house." Roman punched the man out of the way and the man falls to the ground and runs away.

Virgil was being to shake and started almost crying. "Hey.. baby don't cry, I am right hear love" Roman said, wrapping his arms around Virgil. Maimai starts to notice what is going on and starts to whine with rubbing Virgil's leg. Virgil started to laugh cry and smile into the laugh. "Thank you ro, and Maimai.." "you oh so welcome my dear, just remember I will always love you and will forever and will never let anyone take you." Roman said, emphasizing on the word 'never'.

"But on the bright side of things...I got you your favorite snack! Trail mix with M&Ms" Roman said, grabbing the mix out of his pocket, he also hands Virgil a water. "Ooo thank you princy"

Virgil starts to open the mix and eats it, then drinks some of the water. "Is it good?" "Yup" "good baby"

Roman and Virgil then eats their trail mix with their puppy on their feet. Laughing and wiping tears.

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