-Coffee shop-

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Virgil pov
Work is probably the most annoying thing to deal with besides school. I mean I am an introvert and I work at a coffee shop, that mean I have to talk to people. Disgusting.

I need money to pay for my student loans so I have to work, I mean my boss is really obsessed with coffee it is like his whole personality.

I mean, I love coffee like the next person does but jeez man, not THAT much. His name in Remy and when I said he is my boss I truly meant my brother.

It has been a few hours since I started my shift and the flow of today was okay, some people came in and some didn't it was honestly a pretty slow day today. There were some kids here and there that were way too loud for my liking but what can you do?

I was just waiting around until I heard the bell on the door ring. "Hello welcome to sleeping coffee how may I serve you?" I said with a very boring and uncommunicative tone.

"Hi, can I get a Carmel latte with extra foam?" I then looked up to see a tall man with chestnut brown hair he looked to be 5'11 almost 6'0. He had green brown eyes. His face sorta glowed from the lighting of the room. He wore a white shirt with red patterns and blue jeans. I noticed he has on a rainbow bracelet so I am guessing he is LGBT+.

I am not going to lie, he is pretty hot. "Okay coming right up, what is your name?" "Roman" Roman? That...is a very attractive name. "Okay" I leave to go make his coffee then come back to see he is gone to a table but he left a 20 dollar bill with a piece of paper with it.

I grab the paper and I read it. It had a number on it so I assume it is his. I started to giggle at that. After I snapped out of it I went up to him to give him his coffee.
Roman pov

That guy serving me was so cute, I just had to give him my number. I didn't know if he was gay but i was pretty sure he was based on his rainbow earring. I saw his tag and it said Virgil on it. That was a very cute name for him.

He has very dark brown hair with purple died streaks in it and freckles across his face under his eyeshadow and light foundation. He has a nude and black combination on lipstick on him.  Very attractive, i wish I could smudge it for him..

I hear footsteps walking towards me and I can now tell he is short like 5'5. He hands me my coffee and then smiles at me. I think I like him. And I want to get to know him so I stop him.

"Hey do you want to sit with me?" I ask. "Uhm, maybe if I can take my break.." a responds, I can put together the pieces that he had some sort of anxiety.

He then walk away and comes back. "So I can talk for a little, my brother is going to do my job for me right now so what do you want to talk about?" He says. "How about we talk about you? I can say I am attracted to you and I want to get to know a pretty person like yourself" I say back.

"Ohh, okay then pretty boy" the way he said that made my heart flutter I really enjoyed it. "So how old are you?" I ask "I am 20 I am a sophomore in collage at the moment" he says "what about you?" "I am 23 right now I am trying to find some acting jobs at the moment or places where I can sing at" I say to him by the looks of it he is very interested.

"Oh you sing?" He says. "Yeah, I have been since 8th grade and fell In love with it so I want to make it a career" he opens his mouth then closes it. He then giggles at something he thought if I think. "I like a man with plans.." I was shocked he said that and it was hot. I am glad I am something that he likes.

"Really? We should go out sometime, where do you live?" I ask him. There are many universities near by so I wonder which one he goes to. "I live close by here, my brother is the owner so I live with him" he says. "Really? That's interesting..so like want to come to a party this weekend? My friend is hosting it".

"When?" He says "Saturday, I can send you the address if you like and if your not into parties like that then we can like go on a date or something.." I explain to him, it would be fun to go to a party with him though. "I would like parties if I had someone to be with while at them" "well then, I can be your person, what do you say?" I ask him. "...fine sure I will go, but first we can hang out and get to know each other before hand" "well, you know my name already and I can see your name is Virgil on your name tag, cute name by the way" he blushed at that comment.

"Thanks.." he said before we got up. "Oh my god I have to go back to work I am so sorry but we can chat and stuff later, okay..?" I chuckle at that. "Of course hot topic, I will see you later ;)" I winked at him while kissing his hand.

"Aww you think I'm hot princy?" "Princy? That's cute" "okok well I really have to go but I will talk later, bye" he then walked off and at that moment I realized, I did infact like him.
Virgil pov
Oh my god I like him. He is perfect, handsome, funny, charming.. oh my god...

I will talk to him later Hopefully

I then get a texted from a random number with a heart emoji attached to it. Oh so he is that kind of charmer..I am really into this..

And god oh my I think I am indeed.. falling for him.

The end!!
Sorry for not posting, writing block sucks so bad, if you have any requests please tell me!

1097 words

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