• "happy birthday princy" •

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June 4th, Roman's birthday. He was turning 19 years old and very excited. He was very happy to spend this birthday with his boyfriend, Virgil Cyrus.

Roman and Virgil have been dating since they were in 8th grade. Roman 14 2/3 and Virgil 14. He has yet to be Romans age due to them being far apart in month wise.

Virgil wanted to get Roman something very special, since he is taking over his father's company and officially becoming CEO of Prieve industry since he is officially becoming a legal adult.

Virgil looked around for months to find Roman that special something, he thought of posters of Disney but that was unoriginal. He thought Of Harry Potter items but he had so many already. He even thought of giving Roman a free day to do whatever he wants to Virgil but that is too daring and unthoughtful.

After months and months of searching and searching he finally had the idea to ask the once other person who knows Roman almost better than he did. Roman's brother. Twin brother to be exact.

Virge: remus I need to ask you a favor

RatMan: oooooo what do you neeeed dear dear brother-in-law?!~

Virge: remus, stop being so weird I can literally hear the horny-ness through the phone. And- we are not married!


Virge:what the hell- you know what nvm bye

End of text

Virgil didn't even get his question in. I mean, that is what happens when you're dating an amazing guy with a weird ass brother on the side.

Virgil still had no idea what to get his amazing princly boyfriend.

Then it his him like a football in the face. He knew exactly what to get Roman.

Virgil rushed to his phone and when to Amazon. Because Amazon has everything which is a little scary.

Virgil searched up the item that he was gonna get Roman. He just had to wait for it to be delivered. It was actually going to arrive in Roman's birthday exactly.

It is Roman's birthday today and Virgil hadn't gotten the present in the mail yet. He was getting very anxious and was waiting very very patiently.

To stall time while waiting for the package. He made Roman breakfast. He made Roman soft waffles with Crispy bacon with the right amount of fat on them. He put butter on each waffle piece so every one has the name buttery-goodness. He put syrup on it and when the the cupboard to get a glass.

He went to the fridge and grab orange juice. Roman never really likes milk that much even though he wasn't lactose intolerant and Virgil was.

After he put everything together he grabbed it and went upstairs to wake up Roman.

When he got to their shared bedroom Virgil woke Roman up with a kiss.

Virgil: "good morning ro, and happy birthday!"
Roman: "oh you remembered baby?"
Virgil: "ofcourse, why wouldn't I forget it?"
Roman: "well, that doesn't matter right now- Omg are those waffles?!"
Virgil: "yup, your favorite! Only the best for my prince"
Roman: "aww babyyy you shouldn't haveee, come're lemme give you a kiss"
Virgil: "only because it is your birthday"

Roman and Virgil shared a kiss. Roman pulled Virgil down on the best in his lap. They started to sorta make out until Virgil stopped him.

Roman: "why did you stop?"
Virgil: "because you have to eat and I have to wrap your gift"
Roman: "you got me a gifttt?! How sweeeet I love you so much!"
Virgil: "I love you too now eat"

Virgil got off of Roman and gave him one more kiss. Virgil then shortly went to the front door and opened it. He saw that the gift have arrived and his first thought was 'finally' .  He grabbed the gift and closed the door in the process.

He went to the extra bedroom and grabbed the wrapping supplies. He grabbed red wrapping paper with a gold rim on it. It was very Roman. He wrapped the gift neatly because perfection is key.

He put a gold lace bow on it and walked out of the room going towards Roman.

Virgil: "okay ro, I got your gift"
Roman: "ooo yay" *clapping*
Virgil: *laughs slightly* "alright just open it"

Roman started to unwrap the gift very carefully to not mess up the paper. When he got to the actually gift he opened his mouth wide.

Roman: "oh my god stormcloud! This is beautiful"
Virgil: "I am glad you like it :) took me a few weeks to think of something you didn't have before"
Roman: "well, you are definitely right I don't have this alright" *roman chuckles a bit*

Virgil got Roman a incaged crystal light with a beautiful rose on it. The words on the glass said 'I love you'. It was very beauty and the beast inspired.

The gift-

It was something Roman didn't have, was sentimental to him and very Disney related

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It was something Roman didn't have, was sentimental to him and very Disney related. Roman got up and grabbed Virgil by the waist and kissed him. Virgil put his arms around Roman's neck running his hands through his hair.

Roman: "I love you so much baby"
Virgil: "I love you too"
Later on Roman fell asleep on the bed. Virgil was still up but dozing off. He just had to say these last words before he went to sleep.

"Happy birthday princy"

Happy early birthday to Roman! I am sorry I haven't been doing stuff like Posting recently! Been super Dooper busy with testing in school and stuff! I know when I post this it is not roman's birthday yet but fun fact: my dad's birthday is the day before! So that is why I am doing this early :D


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