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Has anyone else gotten those Percy Jackson edits on TikTok over, and over, and over again? Well this is kinda a camp thingy but so Demi-gods just regular camp. enjoy!!


The morning sun seeping through the window was the first sign that I knew I was awake. The other sign was that I felt arms gripping and pulling me closer to something.

The arms pulling me was my boyfriend Roman. He snuck out of his cabin and went into mine so we can be more closer together.

Trying to talk Roman out of something is like trying to talk to a wall, sad. He just is so stubborn about everything. One of the things I love most about him though.

I try sitting up but he was pulling me closer to him and holding onto me like I will vanish any second. The only thing I can think to let me go so I can get up was talking.

"Ro" I say once. "Ro" I say again more forced. "Ro" and again just to get that extra kick. "ROMAN!" I think that one scared him a little too much because he jumped out of bed and screamed. WHAT'S WRONG. WHERE'S THE DANGER?!"

I couldn't help but bursting out into laughter. "Baby, that is not funny" Roman said, rolling his eyes but also chuckled.

"It was funny because you screamed to loud!" I said through pits of laughter. "Okay okay, but why did you wake me up? It is 7 AM" "you have to go back to your cabin, it is almost time for breakfast"

Roman got up and rolled his eyes again. "They can wait, I want to spend more time with you Mi Amore" "ro, please? We haven't even told anyone about our relationship yet" the things was, I didn't want him to go back to his cabin. I wanted my boyfriend to stay with me the whole day, but it would be suspicious if we both don't show to breakfast and I have a feeling people already know something is up. Rumors travel fast.

"Why do I have to go back? Why can't you go with me?" Roman asked me with pleading eyes while snaking his arms around my waist. "Because.." "becauseee??" It was my turn to roll my eyes at him and to groan (how do you even spell that?). "Lover boy, you are the camp counselor at your cabin, you have a responsibility to uphold, or Logan will be on your ass"

"Fine but I will miss you lots sunshine" he lifted my chin and kissed me softly before going to put his shirt on and heading outside my cabin door.

And this will be a cycle, all over again tomorrow. I don't mind though, I love that boy too much to mind..

Sorry for being absent so much just haven't had many bright ideas or when I do I like quit halfway through and don't finish those ideas.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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