Bikes N' Books | Hunter/Tech

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Sun beamed through the large windows, it's light gingerly casting over hundreds of books, thousands of pages, and over a million words. There was so much beauty incased in a hard back cover, something you could feel and hold, flip through everything yourself. That's why it had grown to be Tech's passion. He wanted to graze his own fingertips along the knowledge opened to him. To truly experience the vibrant variety of what is, and what had been. Everyday became a good day the library.

In fact, he'd been working here for over a year now, living his daily life to the fullest of his ability. It made him stable enough to pay the bills and buy the occasional coffee, but other then that Tech preferred to save what he had earned. Although he hadn't decided yet what to do with the large sum of money he'd collected over time, he'd figure it out when the occasion arrives. 

So far today had been quiet, the building filled with nothing but the sound of turning pages and the rare voices of mumbling readers. It was nice, calm, peaceful. Even the air smelt warm when breathing in the scent of old books and the coffee his customers would bring.

Of course everyone's life had that one annoyance, something that looked as if it didn't belong in the little world he'd built around himself. It just didn't quite fit his personal puzzle of a life, and he wasn't sure if it ever would. The thought made him sigh, shaking his head with some kind of distant fondness.

Hunter. A man who'd visit the library with the soul purpose of wooing Tech. Every single Friday and Wednesday; and it was always at a random time, so he couldn't predict when to expect the motorcyclist. He usually wore tight ripped jeans, combat boots, and under his signature leather jacket a baseball shirt adorning the logo of some classical rock band Tech had never bothered to listen to. In some ways Tech found it to be a charming look, even with the multiple piercings and tattoos, it had grown on him over the span of the eleven months he'd been stopping by.

Yet even after all that time, he was never able to deduce exactly how he felt about Hunter. In one hand, he was good company and a caring person at heart, generally someone Tech had gotten use to and would like to remain friends with; after all, Tech didn't have many of those. However, there was the other hand. Behind those cool and dark black eyes hid the burning desire of something feral, Tech would even go as far to say predatorial. It was rather...alluring. To explore something so distant from anything he's ever researched before.

Tech had tested the waters a few times here and there, flirting wasn't his specialty, unlike Hunter. And it always ended with laughs and giggles but Tech kept it at that, obviously not wanting to get too attached to a man who could easily never come back at any given day. Tech didn't see that in his future anytime soon however, as one time Hunter had told him, 'you're stuck with me for the long run.'

The words cut through him just as well as Hunter's boot knife would have, and it stung for a week afterwards knowing that someone was willing to hang around when everyone else he'd knew didn't. It didn't settle in his stomach very well, knowing that the stars had blessed him with someone like Hunter and here he was, throwing it away bit by bit. Well, today was going to be the end of that wastefulness. He was going to try and do better, starting in three minutes!

Tech stared at the clock hanging above the library's door entry, remembering well how last Wednesday Hunter had promised (with an encouraging wink) to come by Friday at 3:30 P.M. It was 3:29 now, and with a knowing sigh Tech continued to haul a small stack of books to the romance section. Maybe next time.

Turning into the aisle of love, suddenly he ran into a wall. A very sturdy but smaller wall. He yelped, falling to his bum on the wooded flooring. "Excuse me, I" —he paused, shocked— "Oh, Hunter."

"The one and only, sweetheart." He chuckled lowly, offering a helping hand.

Tech took it immediately, although regretting it once he was pulled into a firm and teasing embrace. His personal bubble no longer so personal. "Hun-"

"I missed you," —inhaling his warming scent Hunter breathed steadily— "you're too gorgeous to ignore."

Rolling his eyes comically, Tech pushed against his muscular chest weakly. Noticing the usual view of his nipples through the fabric of his shirt was now covered by a Guns N' Roses logo today. "Perhaps."

Smiling, Hunter released him, crouching down to pick up the few books Tech had dropped. "Have I ever told you I just adore your confusingly complex use of the English language?" He asked, his usual casualness returning to his voice.

"For the seventy second time, yes. You have on various occasions." Adjusting his askew circular glasses, he took the liberty to wipe a smudge away with his sweater sleeve the color of warm tan. "Not that I dislike the reminder."

Gathering the last book in his strong arms, Hunter glanced at the title. "Heh, Romeo And Juliet," he said absentmindedly, something in his black-like eyes glinting. "How fitting."

Quirking a brow Tech asked; "how so?" Then reaching for the stack, most likely trying to get back to work. He had a hour before he was off, but the other employees knew Hunter well enough to think Tech was slacking when talking with him for too long.

"Whoa there, I'm not letting my princess be burdened by these heavy books all by himself. Let me carry them for you," he winked. Tech's question going unanswered.

Smoothing his hands into his sweater's big pockets he smiled faintly. Tech might've tried to push the matter, but he knew how stubborn Hunter could be. In fact, he remembered very vividly the time he had to track him down when running off with his research papers; only to find that his coworker had betrayed him in hiding Hunter behind the front desk for well over thirty minutes. "If you are insistent upon it, then very well."

Smirking devilishly, Hunter stepped aside. "My liege," he offered, an arm stuck out.

Tech sighed, staring at him for a moment with a minuscule grin tugging at the edges of his lips. "Why thank you." Looking at him like his knight in shining armor, Hunter chuckled sweetly at those big brown eyes that sparkled.

They hooked arms, strutting down the aisle like they owed the place. Tech would have never in a million years done something so silly, but when it came to Hunter, he would go to far lengths just to see that goof of a smile he wore on his face; multiple ear piercing and all, he was a truly gorgeous man.

That was one thing Tech could solidify to himself.

[Words: 1,195.]

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