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Squinting from the stream of sunlight beeming into my bedroom from the lace curtens I slowly pulled the blankets over my head. My phone started to ring as I tossed and turned trying to get comfy, finally i gave up the struggle to compete with the morning, with this I sat up rubbing my eyes. Sluggishly, I pulled the jeens over my legs and put on an old oversized jumper. I had long brown wavey Hair (usually in a bun) I had large blue eyes that glistened in the sun. I had just turned 18 and today was the first day of my new school. With pretty girls and gorgeous boys roaming the halls of East wick high I decided to keep my head down this year (that would be a change). I diddnt have any friends so it should be relatively easy I was 'the new kid'. A place where no body wanted to be. I was just... regular, nothing extraordinary I was just me.

Adjusting to my surroundings I pushed the door to my new hell open. I don't know if you could tell but I hate school, don't get me wrong I love learning but I just don't like the busyness of everything. I wasn't a huge fan of people either but I guess that's more my problem. The floors were rugged and worn so were the walls, they were full of swearwords and spray paint, but It was nothing new. I was used to much worse then this.

As I stepped further into the adjacent building I took a second to familiarise myself with the surroundings. Being new I had no idea where I was going, this school looked massive so I was worried I wasn't even going to find where the reception area was. As I was lost in thought, like I usually was, I heard a harsh husky voice echoing behind me.

"The bell went 10 minutes ago miss"

I would be lying if I said his voice was so loud it didn't terrify me. As I turned round I expected an old decrepit man to be hovering over me but instead I was shocked.

"Jesus Christ" I mumbled to myself as I looked the man up and down. I was practicing drooling and I think he noticed.

He was around 6ft 4 with brown wavy hair, it wasn't long but it also wasn't short, it covered the side part of both of his eyes as it was swept to the side and spilt down the middle. He had the most piercing deep blue eyes, the kind that you could get lost in forever, the kind that you could stare at for hours and not even notice. He had big broad shoulders covered in a white tight fitted top, his muscles bulged out of the pristine top I wasn't looking that hard but I could see the outline of a six pack. After I was done staring at him for what felt like forever he grinned at me, showing me his perfect teeth. It's safe to say that I was completely breathless.

"We'll go on then, you don't want to get a detention on your first day" he said softly and more calm this time, but I couldn't help but notice the slight amusement in his words after what had just happened.

"Urmm.... *cough*" I finally managed to blurt out the words "how did you know today was my first..." when I was cut of rather rudely.

"Goodbye and get to class" he said with a grin.

As I started to walk off i took one last look at him. His floppy brown hair in his face with cute little dimples and his broad body towering way above the doors to the classrooms. I turned back around and I blushed as I took one last look at him.

Theo's POV

I never enjoyed coming into work, people say being a teacher was one of the most rewording jobs but for me it was just a burden, maybe I would go as far to say a stepping stone to the career that I really want. I am only 23, a lot of people say that I'm too young to be a teacher and to be honest they might be right.

As I stepped into the hallway to lock the doors I noticed someone new, someone I hadn't seen before. She was beautiful, she looked so delicate and afraid. Almost like if I touched her she would break. She had on the sweetest over sized jumper that just swallowed her whole and her hair in a messy bun with faded black jeans on. I observed her for a second before I decided to say something.

Clementines POV

As I spent a good 20 minutes walking around hopelessly trying to find my class I finally stumbled across it. I prepared myself before I slowly opened the door. My hands were clammy and I was shaking inside, I didn't like attention especially from people I don't know. When the door was wide open I took one step forward and everyone stared at me, like I was the last cupcake at the picnic.

"And you must be miss wills? Nice of you to join us on time" she said with a sarcastic growl.

"I'm sorry I really don't want to interrupt it's just that I didn't know where I was....." I was about to finish my sentence when she pointed at a seet in the back of the class, I was guessing that's where i was supposed to sit then. Does everyone at this school enjoy cutting people off mid sentence? But I guess she didn't need to know I spent half of the morning trying to get out of bed.

Tiredly and practically crawling my way to the desk I saw how she had sat me away from everyone.

"Delightful" I whispered to myself. I wasn't sure if it was intentional but if it was, that was just mean.

I must of flown 2 ft in the air when the bell went bacuse everyone turned around to look at me. I slowly tried to sink into my seat as the teacher told us about the homework next week. I got up and grabbed my bag as I was about to put my notepad away a tall brown headed girl galloped towards me with the biggest grin on her face. She was way to happy for someone on a ‪Monday morning‬. I already felt rather consumed by her.

"Hiya" she said rather loud holding her arm out to me.

" Hi" I spoke confused as I took her hand and shook it, I wondered why she wanted to shake my hand, I thought it was a little weird.

She looked at me with a strange expression on her face and she burst out in laughter. I suddenly felt very insecure as I quickly pulled my arm away and held it close to my pocket.

"Here" she said taking my timetable of off me,
"science 45 that's this way" she pointed left out of the class room door. I was confused but she looked at me and spoke in hysterics
"I didn't want to shake your hand, I wanted your timetable in your hand" I took a sigh of relief when I realised she wasn't making fun of me.

"Well thank god for that, I truly thought you were a crazy person" I spoke half giggling.

As we turned left out of the classroom she looks at me with a huge smile and says "Your lucky".

I was instantly intrigued, I wondered why she would call me lucky.

"Why's that" I asked politely, giving her a side smile.

"Well you have Mr Holden for biology" she spoke with a grin. I could tell this wasn't just any regular grin, this was a cheeky kind of grin.

"Oh, right" I spoke rather quietly as I wasn't sure why I was lucky but my thoughts were quickly redirected as she spoke to me again.

"Well im over this way" she said giving me a wholesome look.

"see ya at lunch" she added on as she shouted while walking the opposite way making me giggle since I don't even know her.

"Yeah, sure" as I said this she skipped away down the hall leaving a trace of her fruity perfume.

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