Optimistic mindset 

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I woke up bright and early that following Monday morning. I felt better then I had done in a while. I comprehend the severity of it all as I completed a perfect morning stretch. I rubbed my eyes with my patterned hands that my pillow had imprinted on me while I was sleeping and yawned. Slowly I debated for a while about what I should wear today when I spotted something sticking out of my wardrobe in the corner of my room. I cautiously walked over and as soon as I spotted it I knew exactly what it was, I was now ecstatic. My favourite top, the one top I have been looking for. My eyes gleamed as I picked it up in such a hurried fashion I'm surprised it didn't set on fire. It was a red cut off turtle neck that tucked perfectly into a pair of black high waisted jeans and a cute little belt. Outfit planed.

I texted bree as I closed my front door and locked it securely. She told me that she wouldn't be in today since she had caught the flue, which is pretty shit since she is my only friend. When I finished looking the door I debated wether or not to walk to school or catch the bus but then I ultimately decided that it would be more entertaining to walk and enjoy the fresh air. I crossed the charted streets as I came to a crossing.

"Shit" I mumbled to myself "Where do I go from here?"

I took my phone out to get up google maps when I realised I was already late. I made a decision to just go right and quicken my pace a little bit more by speed walking. Truth be told it was a pure strike of good luck when I saw our school building towering over the trees, looking all intimidating. I strategically walked across the path that didn't have an abundance of mud smeared all over it and hoped to the one that didn't. I rarely walk fast if I'm late, I normally just keep at my general walking pace and see what time I end up getting there. But today was different, I couldn't put my finger on it exactly but I was exited to come to school today.

As I was walking up the pebble stone pathway to the school, I stopped for a moment. I didn't know why, it wasn't like I was admiring anything in particular, I just stopped and stared. I could feel butterfly's swarm in my stomach as it ached. What was this? Was I nervous? Was I nervous about going to school or was a nervous about seeing him? I couldn't make up my mind but I think deep down I knew the answer. I composed myself as my hands shook a little because of the nippy air.

After one last final breath I opened the doors and tried to hurry to my first lesson. Maybe I could get there without bumping into him, not because I didn't want to see him but because he took my breath away and I didn't want to be speechless before I walked into my class. Feeling flustered is something I often feel around him. 'God Clementine, get your shit together' I thought to myself as I pinched the insides of my palms. As I did so, I heard a all too familiar voice echo around the hall behind me.

"I was hoping would be joining us today" he spoke with his anything but regular smile.

I turned to him as he spoke proudly and I stated "I wouldn't miss it for the world" turning round to see his beautiful eyes was becoming one of my favourite things to do. I wanted nothing more then to run into his arms and feel his warm but tough embrace but I knew deep down that I couldn't, there will always be apart of me that wants him but I can't have him, he's not mine to admire.

"Get to class" he spoke so commandingly, but there was mostly always a hit of sweet with everything he said.

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