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He waited till everyone left and closed the doors behind them. He took a few steps closer to me, it would have taken me ten steps but he was so tall it took him half of that.

"I'm so sorry about that" He spoke calmly. Did he regret standing up for me? Maybe it looked weird in front of everyone else.

"Please" I said "that was the best thing I've ever witnessed" I giggled as I put my hand over my mouth to stop me from laughing too hard.

-Theo's POV

I know I didn't have to stand up for her but I felt like it was the right thing to do, I couldn't listen to someone say that sort of shit to her. If I wasn't here she would of handled it herself but why should she have to? I looked into her big blue eyes and I melted, how could somebody look so perfect and yet not even realise. But maybe that's what was so different about her, she was beautiful and she didn't even know it. I could see that she had put on makeup but she didn't need it, she was stunning with or without.

Clementines POV

He went red again, lost in thought.

"I'm glad you thought so" he said leaning closer to me, not so close that it would be suspicious if anyone walked in but close enough for me to feel breathless.

"Thank you" I spoke quietly and dainty, I almost spoke like I was whispering a secret.

As he looked into my eyes his hand slowly touched mine, sending shivers down my spine and leaving me speechless. As he did this the door to the classroom opened and he quickly removed his hand making me feel cold again and leaving me craving more. "Well if that's all I can help you with miss wills" he covered, I knew that we were doing something wrong by the way he said that, but for the sake of both of us I went along, "Yes, thank you Mr Holden"

I picked up my bag and left quickly i didn't make any eye contact leaving the class. As I walked out and I had just caught my breath I was instantly bombarded by Bree.

"Is it true?!" She shouted, as she did this she stared into my sole. I lost my breath again as I thought she knew something I didn't.

"Is what true?" I questioned, I was worried and anxious to know what she was talking about.

"That Mr Holden stuck up for you? What else would I be talking about silly" she laughed and I let out a single guilty laugh, or maybe it was a sense of relief, I wasn't sure.

"How do you know about that?" I questioned again, I felt like I needed to know everything she knew in that very moment.

"Shit gets round this school fast clem, especially when it involves Mr Holden"

"Oh right" I giggled with hesitation as she looked at me and questioned me "So?" She asked agin.

"Yes it's true" I had no choice but to respond, but if Bree knows does that mean that everyone knows. I lost my train of thought when she spoke again. "Omg" she repeated "no way" she looked too happy. I was wondering weather we were still on the same subject but I assumed we were, Bree would not let this go anytime soon.

"What?" I asked, looking confused as she grabbed both of my arms and swung them side to side.

"Clem, In the time he has been working here he has never shouted at student". I was speechless, what was I supposed to say to that. 'Well we do have a special bond and I think we like each other but since he is my teacher it makes things slightly complicated' no. Instead I said "Well he must be having a bad day" I shrugged since I knew that wasn't the case.

"Don't play this down" Bree said in an optimistic voice.

"I don't know what you expected me to say Bree" I was trapped, I didn't want to lie to my only friend but then again I couldn't tell anyone the truth.

"I want you to tell me I'm invited to the wedding" I gasped as she said this, it left me feeling uneasy as she teased me by grabbing her scarf and putting it around my head like a wedding vail.

"Fucking hell Bree" I said laughing, I know I just met her but she seems so lovely and genuine, I feel guilty almost for not telling her the truth.

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