*Ch. 15: The Sasaki Clan

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Kari's POV

After running out of the Hokage's office, Telem and I headed towards that mountain that was behind the village, the one with all the heads on it. I'm not really sure why it's there, but maybe it'll be explained to me.

I jumped up and landed on top of the head of the guy wearing some kind of face mask-thing around his head. He seemed adequate for what I was about to do, so Telem and I settled down to read the scroll.


The Sasaki Clan. A large clan located in Arashigakure, the Village Hidden in the Storms. This village is located in the land between the Land of Wind and the Land of Fire, the Land of Rivers. But Arashi had treaties of non-violence with both Konoha and Suna, and it was the lesser-known of the two shinobi villages in Kawa no Kuni. The other village being Amegakure.

The leader of Arashigakure was the Kuraikage, or Dark Shadow. This was the strongest person in all of the six Houses of the Sasaki, and the holder of the title was changed every two years in a competition known as the Kage Trials. This was done to preserve the diversity and love for the ever-changing that the Sasaki value so highly.

The Houses were a unique ordering system known only to the Sasaki clan. Because the clan believed in utilizing the different personalities of many, all the founding shinobi were divided into one of six different Houses, or branches of the clan. Their descendants populated the Houses, and over time each began to exhibit certain traits or abilities.

But this total difference of personalities led to tension between the Houses. And this tension escalated during the Kage Trials.

The Kuraikage was chosen every two years by the Trials. This made it so that no one Kage had absolute power, and that each of the Houses had a chance to rule. Once the winner of the contest was chosen, that person would rule as Kuraikage, assisted by a council comprised of elders from all the Houses. And during those two years, the Kuraikage's House had more power than the other Houses.

More on each of the Houses, and their specific traits and abilities:

Each house was named after a mythical creature that was the partner of the founding shinobi.

Dragon House- The largest of the six houses, and the one generally in command of the Kuraikage title, as they had the strongest fighters. Dragons were passionate and excitable people, but also quick tempered and greedy. They are natural leaders, but horde treasure and power just like their namesake. While they can be obstinate, they are also outgoing and very fun to be around. Dragons generally have the chakra nature of Lightning.

Griffin House- The third smallest house, and the decision-makers. Griffins are very honest and calm, but at the same time apathetic and a little prideful. They aren't the best with people, but are capable of making calm, rational decisions for important subjects. They are very reserved, but can come out of their shell with the right people. Griffins believe that the truth is more important then anything. They generally have the chakra nature of Wind.

Phoenix House- The second largest house, composed mainly of medics. Phoenixes are very welcoming and motherly, but also overprotective and a bit arrogant. They are very good with all people, and tend to treat others like their own kids. But this also leads them to sound condescending at times. Not many of them fight, as they are normally healers. Phoenixes generally have the chakra nature of Fire.

Unicorn House- The second smallest house, another medical-focused house. Unicorns are very compassionate and steady, but are incredibly shy and stubborn. They have a hard time talking to anyone, and this makes them loners. While they are almost as good as the Griffins at decision-making, they find it hard to find the courage to speak up. They are also mainly medics, but some of them are very good fighters. Unicorns tend to have the chakra nature of Earth.

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