Ch. 36: A Whole Bunch Of Skipping Around

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~Time Skip~

Kari's POV

I groaned, sitting up from the bed I was laying on. Wait. Bed? When did I get in a bed?

The last thing I remember is...

Narako being a perv, beating me up, and then... I'm unconscious. That's it.

So who saved me?

I hear footsteps from the hallway connected to the room, so I flex my muscles, trying to see if I can move or fight. I kinda can, but my muscles are a bit sore.

The door slides open, and reveals the figure of none other then my brother.

His black hair and ice blue eyes haven't changed a bit. In fact, he doesn't look any different from the last time I saw him. Which was when we were fighting Orochimaru and I kicked his ass, but whatever.

"So you're awake." he said in a plain voice.

I narrowed my eyes. "Where am I and why are you here?"

"You're in my private house, and I'm taking care of you. Helping you recover."

"... I ask again. Why?"

Saden didn't answer, instead moving to the corner and getting a rag out of a bucket of water. He wrung it out, then brought it over to me. I tensed up and tried to move back, but he only rolled his eyes and shoved my shoulders back.

I landed on the soft bed, but when I tried to get up, Saden held my shoulders down and placed the rag on my forehead.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I yelled, struggling to sit up. But my brother was stronger then me at the moment, and held me still.

"Trying to help, you baka!" he replied, making sure the wet cloth didn't fly off. "You had a fever, so I'm making sure it's gone!"

I was stunned into silence. Two things stood out in my mind from that last sentence.

One, he was trying to help me. My brother, who worked for Orochimaru, and who'd tried to kill me once before, was helping me. Also that he cared for my well-being.

Also, he'd said 'baka'. He'd been in this world for far too long. Even I, who'd been here for a little over three years, was still getting used to the local lingo. Hell, I barely used those weird honorific things!

Anyways, after hearing Saden's words, I stopped fighting and lay back. He didn't say anything else, instead moving around and making some food. He then gave me the food wordlessly, and walked out of the room.

I... Didn't know what to think. My brother... Was helping me. And there was no sight nor smell of Orochimaru anywhere, so I assumed he wasn't nearby.

The last time we'd met, Orochimaru ordered him to retrieve me. But here he was, alone with me, and he wasn't doing anything. I knew I wasn't supposed to trust him, but...

He's my twin! My supposed other half! The only family I have left, besides my mom who abandoned me. And he was helping me, and defying Orochimaru's orders. So...

What exactly is going on here?


I was resting on the soft bed when Saden came in once again. I raised my head, but otherwise didn't move a muscle.

"Kari." That's the first time he's addressed me by name in the few days I've been awake. "I've got news."

I perked up. I haven't heard anything from any of the five nations, nor the villages themselves.

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