Weekend hangouts

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i don't think it needs a tw but just in case be warned please

Craig's POV
Over the week, Tweek had been helping me settle back into schedule. He came home with me after school, made me a snack so that even if I didn't eat dinner I had eaten something. Then we'd do homework, play games, read, draw, whatever we felt like until 8ish. Then he'd make me go to bed, force me to sleep and go home.

Our mates had also been helping. Clyde had been bringing extra packed lunch so I had something to eat, Tolkien had been bringing snacks and even Jimmy had been looking out for me.

We had started hanging out with Butters and Kenny more too. They were basically part of our group now.

"Do you guys wanna hang out this weekend?" Tolkien asked, 'subtly' making sure I was eating my food.

"Sure," Clyde said, "What did you have in mind?"

"I don't know, maybe like a sleepover, Friday to Sunday?"

"Sounds good to me." I mumbled, leaning my head on Tweek's shoulder.

"Y-yeah, we'll b-be there." Tweek stammered.

"I c-c-can't make it," Jimmy explained, "Me and Tim-Tim are ch-ch-chillin this weekend."

"Butters? Kenny? You guys in?" I asked, looking at them expectantly.

"Oh! Yeah, sure fellas!" Butters answered cheerily.
He nudged Kenny gently, prompting him to answer.

"Sure." He said bluntly.

"So, Friday?" I confirmed.

"Yeah, after school."

"Cool, see you then."

Tweek's POV

Once the discussion had finished, Kenny had meekly asked if Kyle and Stan could come too. We all mutually agreed. Silently, we had decided not to invite Cartman.


I sat on my bed, hands in my hair. My breathing was laboured, it felt like such a task to just breathe.

Downstairs, I heard a muffled conversation, doors opening and shutting, people's walking. Floorboards squeaked on the landing, the light coming from under my door was obscured by someone's shoes.

"Tweek? Honey?"
Craig's familiar monotone echoed through my mind. Usually, hearing someone talk to me would drag me back out of my maze of thoughts. Not this time.

What if they make fun of you.
What if it's loud.
What if you freak out and ruin it.
What if you accidentally tell people secrets you don't want to.
What if there's alcohol.
What if people want you to smoke.
What if Craig leaves you.
What if you get beat up.
What if something happens at home while you're gone.
Oh god, what if someone kills your parents while you're playing games?!

Craig's voice is closer, clearer. He's crouched next to me, his hand on my knee. I look into his hazel eyes. He meets my gaze. I watch as he sits next to me, feel his arms wrap around me. I bury my head into his shoulder, untangling my hands from my hair to hug him back.

He pulls away, gently. His hand moves to my cheek. I realize that I've been crying. I feel his thumb brush the tears away. He pulls me back into an embrace, I wind my arms around his neck. He places tender kisses on my shoulders and neck.

"We don't have to go," he mumbles "We can stay home, do something, just us."

I don't want to ruin this for him. I really really don't. But the thought of us just spending the weekend together, alone, without the fuss of school and friends and work. It's pure bliss.

"You should go, be with them. I'll just stay home." I whisper. He pulls away, his hands on my shoulders. He looks me dead in the eyes.

"No. We haven't spent time together, just us, in forever. If you don't wanna go we're not going."

I feel my cheeks warm up. He pulls his phone out and calls Tolkien. He puts it on speaker so I can hear.

"Yo, wassup Craig."

"Why are you talking like that dude?"

"Whatever, what do you want?"

"Me and Tweek can't make it to your sleepover thing."

"What, why not?"

"I have a doctors appointment, Tweek wants to go with me. Emotional support."

"Can't you come after the appointment?"


"Why no-"

"Thanks for understanding dude!" Craig cuts in, hanging up before Tolkien can protest.

He smiles at me softly.

I'm the only one who ever sees him smile like that. He saves it for me. Specially.

He leans in and kisses me. Lovingly, tenderly. It's amazing.

I love Craig. So much.




helplines needed..?

not in this one 😻

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