Beautiful Boy

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there might end up being a rant at the end of this.

heads up

longer part this time

and soz to the guy with the 17 inch dick that I insulted last time (im gonna need proof it's that long /j)

also tw


Craig's POV
We slept until around 3am. It had been around 6pm when we'd fallen asleep. I was wearing my jeans still, Tweek still wearing the joggers he'd had on earlier.

I winced slightly as the fabric rubbed against my freshly bandaged cuts. Clyde had tried, but he wasn't the best. Tweek squirmed and buried his head into my shoulder again. I must've woken him. I gently picked him up and moved him to my bedroom, finding an old shirt and pulling it on him.

It was so baggy on him. Cute.

He stirred again. I pulled a shirt over my head and tried to find some joggers. I couldn't find any.

"Craig? Come back to bed..."
He murmured, shuffling over to me.

"I need to find some joggers my love."

"Just wear your boxers, it's not like I haven't seen you like that before."

"Babe, I can't."

"Why? You're clean aren't you?"


"A-aren't you?"

It had been a while since I'd heard him stutter. I stayed silent.

"Just, c-come to b-bed. I don't m-mind. I'll still love you..."

I cried at that. No one had ever said something like that. I'd been told no one would love me for my scars, I'd been told to go deeper, I'd been told to get cover up tattoos or surgery to remove them. I'd never been told that someone could love me for my scars. Never been told that somoeone would support me through my relapses.

I peeled my jeans off. He eyed the bandages.

"We'll redo t-those later. C-clyde tried, b-but not very hard."

I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to the bed. He rolled on top of me, laying his head on my chest. I played with his hair, yawning and fighting sleep.

"Go t-to sleep Mi Amor." He muttered. I often forgot that Tweek had taken Spanish as a language option.

(Here in good ol britian, or maybe just my skl, we pick a language to do for yr 8 like French, Spanish or German, so yuh)

"Fine, only if you go to sleep right after."

"Yes Amor. Now sleep."

I allowed myself to slip into dreamless sleep, hoping that Tweek followed close behind...

Tweek's POV

I leant against his chest, listening to his heartbeat, counting the number of beats per minute. I listened to his breathing, and once I was sure he was asleep, I unravelled the bandages on his leg. They were sloppily done, careless. I ran to the bathroom for fresh bandages, and binned the old ones as I went.

I came back with clean plasters and antiseptic wipes. I cleaned and bandaged the wounds. They weren't bad. I mean, they were, but they weren't A&E bad. I crawled back into bed, lying on his shoulder and watching as his chest rose and fell with breath.

I felt my eyelids droop, and I allowed myself to be pulled under my sleep.


I woke the next morning to soft kisses being planted on my cheek. I smiled and blinked a few times. As expected, it was Craig. The sun was usually sunny, it was a warm day. We were in Craig's room, but it was tidy, clean.

Birds chirped outside the window, Craig laughed at me and pulled his hat onto my head. He got up and walked to the wardrobe. But his thigh wasn't bandaged, and they were clean of any scars.

"Baby, what happened to the scars?"

"What scars my love?"

I woke with a start, gasping for air. Holy fuck. Nonononono. I wasn't having dreams like that. No. Nu uh. No way.

I wasn't having dreams of my ideal. It wasn't even my ideal! I loved how it was now, scars and all. It was still dark out. Craig stirred next to me.



"What's up?"

"Nothing Amor. I-I had a dream. S-startled me."

"Oh... A nightmare?"

"N-not really.. Just.. Weird."

"How so?"

"It was, like, life. B-but without the complications. I-I didn't stutter. Your room was c-clean. You were clean..."


"No, t-that sounded wrong. I love y-you, as you a-are. With t-the scars."

"It's ok love, you don't have to lie about it.."

"N-no. I love you. A-and your scars. It g-gives you story. You're my b-beautiful boy."

He sighed and pulled me into an embrace. His hands around my waist, my back to him.

"I know. I know."

He nuzzled his face into my neck and gently kissed my skin. I would rather this life than any.



It's longer. I kinda wanna rant, but I don't at the same time. Idk.

Oh well!!!

Hope this was better than the last one, soz abt ur small dicks and stuff and ily


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