Hello, Wednesday.

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Enids POV

"Only if u turn your self in for sexual harassment, then yes I would help you" I said to Trina and Vona, I could kill them after but.. I don't know.

"It's a deal, I'm sorry Enid" said Vona, her voice is soft.

I looked at Vona before looking at Trina, the ginger haired girl. I stick out the finger at her before turning away and walked to my dorm.

Ring ring


"Enid, where are you"

"Im- I'm coming back"

"Did u cry?"

"What no?!"

"Don't lie Enid"

"I'm not Wednesday!"

"Just come to the dorm.. Please?"

"Yea I will give me three minutes"

"Okay Bye My love"


End of call

After the call I quickly took off my sweater to cover up the two big hickeys Trina gave me...


I knocked at the dorm before entering, "hey Willa.."

"Enid... Why are you covering your neck?" Wednesday asked me, I didn't know if I should tell her the truth or not.

"It's nothing don't worry" I said, Wednesday gave me a look before walking up to me.

"Enid, why are you covering your neck" Wednesday was about a few inches away from my face.

I blush at this but pushed her softly and walked to the bathroom. "Enid, Why are you covering your neck" Wednesday said, her voice lifted, almost yelling at me but wasn't.

I turned around and looked at her "Just.. Mind your business, Wednesday" I change the tone of my voice. I don't know on what has me doing this... This isn't me, like if I was being controlled...

Wednesday then walked to me and tossed the sweater I had covering my hickeys. "What the heck?" I said looking at the sweater on the ground, then to look at Wednesday.

Her eyes seemed to be hardened, "Enid, what the fuck did u do?" She said stepping closer to me.

I didn't respond but just looked at the ground, "Sinclair, answer me" Wednesday never uses my last name, she knows that it makes me remember my parents and siblings..

"Fucking answer me"

"I-" it was the only thing I was able to say.

"U fucking cheated on me, do u know on what that means?" Wednesday tone began to level up as she kept saying things.

I kept silent while she tried getting an answer from me

"What the fuck did I do to deserve this? I stayed and procteted you! How can u fucking do this to me?!" Wednesday pushed me back while yelling at me.

"I- did u cheat on me with Vona? Or Trina? Or even both?" Wednesday voice lower a bit.

"ANSWER ME SINCLAIR" she now was yelling hard enough to be heard in the halls.

"T-they... Did" I spitted out trying not calm Wednesday down by answering her.

"Listen I didnt do shit Wednesday! They did, why would I cheat on you that's fucking stupid. Trina and Vona forced me, okay? Was that what u wanted to hear! ?"

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