Chapter 47

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"Put me down! I was just struck by lightning, you're hurting me!" Cressida shouted from over the back of her brother's shoulders, each of them holding one of her legs.

"You're fine," Pollux said.

"Apollo kids cleared you and you downed like a million squares of ambrosia. You'll live," Castor added.

"But Papa called a council of the cabin leaders, and I'm not a cabin leader."

"Ah, but we all know that you are Papa's favourite," Pollux replied.

"That and you're literally mentioned in the prophecy. So it's even more obligatory that you attend," Castor said.

"Ok, just because you use big words doesn't mean that you're right."

"No, it's the small words that make him right," Pollux said.

"Small words like, you are in the prophecy," Castor said.

"So you are coming to the meeting."

Cressida just flopped down, her body dangling over their backs. "You guys suck."


The council was held around a ping-pong table in the rec room. Dionysus waved his hand and supplied snacks: Cheez Whiz, crackers and several bottles of red wine. Then Chiron reminded him that wine was against his restrictions and most of them were underage. Mr D sighed. With a snap of his fingers, the wine turned to Diet Coke. Nobody drank that either, except Cressida when she was brought in by her brothers. Literally brought in, as in carried over their shoulders.

She was seated between her brothers as she popped the can, muttering something unintelligibly but it was presumably an insult aimed towards her brothers. Brothers that just smiled at her before sitting down themselves.

Mr D and Chiron (in wheelchair form) sat at one end of the table, Mr D next to Castor who was explaining why they were carrying their sister who was still in her tattered shirt. Zoë and Bianca di Angelo (who had kind of become Zoë's personal assistant) took the other end. Thalia and Grover and Percy sat along the right, opposite Cressida and the brothers. The Stoll brothers sat next to Pollux, Travis already talking to him as they snacked on Cheez Whiz. The other head councillors sat on Percy's side, Beckendorf, Silena, a young boy named Will Solace who was representing his cabin while his head counsellor was seeing to the Ares kids. The chair for their representative was empty seeing as all of them had gotten broken limbs 'accidentally' during Capture the Flag, courtesy of the Hunters.

Zoë started the meeting off on a positive note. "This is pointless."

"Cheez Whiz!" Grover gasped. He began scooping up crackers and ping pong balls and spraying them with topping.

"There is no time for talk," Zoë continued. "Our goddess needs us. The Hunters must leave immediately."

"And go where?" Chiron asked.

"West!" Bianca said, looking completely different after only a few days with the Hunters.

Her dark hair was braided like Zoë's now, so you could actually see her face. She had a splash of freckles across her nose, and her dark eyes seemed to stand out even more now that her skin glowed faintly like the other Hunters. "You heard the prophecy. 'Six shall go west to the goddess in chains.' We can get six hunters and go."

"You clearly didn't hear the prophecy then," Cressida said as she lifted her leg up onto her chair, sharing her drink with her father. Percy assumed she was a little bitter seeing as she was probably going to get dragged onto another quest. And because Bianca had ditched Nico who was nothing but the sweetest kid you ever met.

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