Chapter 37

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(A/N: This is the first chapter of the Titan's Curse. Hope you enjoy. XxD)


"Oh for papa's sake, how many times are we going to go through this?" Cressida sighed as she dug through her drawers for a sweater, the Iris message moving with her.

"Until you agree not to go," Pollux and Castor said in unison.

"This Jackson punk needs to leave you alone," Pollux said.

"Ok, you guys are just as bad as Papa. Percy has saved my life more times than he's endangered it. And he wasn't even the one that asked me to come, just like the last two times. The first time it was the Oracle. The second time it was Hermes and now it's Grover. And besides, it's just an extraction," she said as she tucked a ziploc bag of ambrosia into her pocket.

"You've never been on an extraction before!" Pollux pointed out.

"I think two quests kind of trumps an extraction," Castor pointed out and Pollux shot his twin a glare.

"Thank you!" Cressida exclaimed. "And you wonder why I like Castor better."

"Papa said you can't have favourites," Pollux whined. "And he won't let you go if we tell him."

"Ah, that's where you are wrong," Cressida said as she pointed her closed switchblade at them. "Papa has given me permission. You forget that he can't say no to me. Especially when I said that if I did well enough then Zeus might knock a few years of his sentence. Not to mention that he's hoping that I'll either show Percy up or that he'll die in some painful way, ideally, he'd like both. Either way, I have Papa's permission."

"Fine," Castor relented.

"Dude?!" Pollux exclaimed.

"Polly, as much as we want to keep her out of trouble, we are in no position to stop her. Cress has been on two quests already and if she wanted to, she could kick our asses, become cabin counsellor and then you'd really have nothing to say about it. She's growing up, dude."

"She's not even 14 yet," Pollux said.

"She's two months shy and you weren't exactly a picnic at 14."

"Cas, we're twins. You were equally just as bad as I was."

"I was not."

"Was too!"

"Ok! Can we get back on topic here?!" Cressida intervened as her brothers quietened down. "Look, Grover needs help, and that means the unsuspecting demigod that could be attacked at any minute, needs help as well. I will be fine. I promise."

"Where the hell are you even going?" Pollux asked.

"Some school in Maine. I don't know. Sally's driving us."

"Jackson's mother?" Castor clarified.

"Yes. And she's going to be here soon to pick me up. So, are we done arguing about this?"

"Fine," Pollux relented.

"We get back in two days, Cress," Castor reminded her. "If you're not there when we get back in two days, so help you -"

"Yes, I know. You'll kill me and if I'm dead you'll kill anyone that had to do with it. Dramatic as usual, big brother," she finished.

"Sons of the god of theatre over here," Pollux pointed out obviously. "And it's not dramatic if we're actually going to do it."

"I don't doubt that," she said with a smile. "I love you guys. I'll see you in two days," she farewelled.

"Love you too, Cress," they sang in unison and their sister blew them a kiss before she waved her hand through the rainbow, and it disappeared.

And she took a deep breath as she looked over her reflection in the mirror. She was as ready as she'll ever be.

If only that was enough to prepare her for what was about to happen.

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