Meeting the Class

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Despite only being in the classroom for a maximum of ten seconds, Lizzy had already ducked to avoid being hit by something. The desks were organised as two to a desk on stools and there was the teacher's personal desk at the front directly in front of the touchscreen whiteboard. Lizzy looked around at the rioting students and then at the scraggly teacher who was desperately trying to reign in his class. Lizzy stepped over to the teacher and cleared her throat so he could hear her.

"What do you want?" He spat at her and rubbing his wiry beard, making her shake slightly.

"'m Elizabeth Watts, I'm new." Lizzy stammered nervously, feeling her palms going sweaty.

"Oh right," the teacher, Mr Anderson, huffed and then pointed to a desk by the window. "You can sit by Stark. Books are over there."

Lizzy nodded and went to grab a blank workbook and scurried to sit at the table indicated by Mr Anderson. There was a free seat next to a grinning boy with jet-black hair and a small amount of facial hair, his tie hung low around his neck and his top button was undone. He continued to grin even when Lizzy sat down and got her new pen out and wrote her name on the front of her book.

"Oh, you're the new girl," the boy said, contorting his neck so he could read Lizzy's name. "Elizabeth Watts. Cool name, Watts. That's what I'm going to call you. I'm Tony Stark."

Lizzy looked at Tony's outstretched hand that he obviously wanted her to shake and then shook it.

"Most people just call me Lizzy," she said. "If you want to call me Watts, I guess that's fine."

"Got a boyfriend?" Tony asked suddenly. Lizzy looked at him blankly and then shook her head and he grinned mischievously. "Shame. We'll fix that quickly enough."

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Lizzy asked in return.

"Yes, that gorgeous ginger over there," Tony pointed at a ginger-haired girl sitting next to a girl with shockingly blood-red hair. "So I'm off the table I'm afraid, Steve Rogers is single though."

Lizzy followed Tony's finger to a muscly boy with blonde hair, he was messing with the corner of his book and, at the sound of his name, turned to look at Tony and Lizzy. Steve had a set of shockingly kind blue eyes and his intense gaze on Lizzy made her blush.

"What's going on, Tony?" Steve called over the ruckus.

"Watts is looking for a boyfriend." Tony sniggered.

Lizzy was mortified. "I'm not!" And then added to herself. "Kill me now."

"Everyone settle down now!" Mr Anderson bellowed angrily. "Stark, shut up!"

"Grumpy git." Tony murmured under his breath which made Lizzy giggle into her hand.

"Okay class, we have a new student," Mr Anderson pointed to Lizzy. "Stand up and introduce yourself then."

Lizzy belched as all the eyes in the classroom turned to lock onto her, she winced as the sound of her stool scraping the floor was the only thing that could be heard and cleared her throat before speaking.

"I'm Lizzy Watts." She said nervously and waved awkwardly. "Hi."

"Wait for it..." Tony murmured.

There was silence for a moment and then everyone was up on their feet rushing towards her. At first Lizzy was absolutely terrified and she wanted to sink through the floor and disappear but then she understood what they wanted.

"Hi, I'm Peter Parker," a young boy with slightly spiked brown hair smiled. "Can we get your number?"

"Yeah, sure." Lizzy pulled her phone out and read it out for all the eager classmates that were gathered around her.

For the next minute or so all that could be heard was the sound of fingers on touch screens or keypads as people took her details and then the crowd slowly dissipated back to their seats. Then her phone exploded. Lizzy had over twenty texts coming through from every kid in the class and she gaped at her screen.

"Don't worry, it happens to every new kid in G and T," Tony explained. "It's some strange ritual thing. You should've seen it when Thor first came here," Tony pointed at a muscly boy with long blonde hair that was tied back. "His number ended up getting out to the majority of the girls in the school. Pepper banded all my fangirls from getting my number, my dad's a famous engineer guy that's loaded so everyone just loves me."

Lizzy laughed and tucked her phone away, she'd read the texts later. Mr Anderson was fuming with the class for the rest of the lesson. He spent the remaining thirty minutes trying to teach waves and wavelengths but the class wasn't interested. Several kids ran over to Lizzy to introduce themselves: Natasha Romanoff, the girl with the red hair, short tie, and unbuttoned blouse with seductive red lipstick, was first then her boyfriend Clinton Barton immediately after, Thor dragged his dark haired brother Loki over to say hello, and then the Doctor and the Master sauntered over just as Mr Anderson was regaining some sort of control over the students.

The class was finally dismissed after a last-ditch attempt to control the racket, Lizzy was swarmed by some of the girls, Natasha included, and they all jostled to introduce themselves first.

"Hi, I'm Pepper Potts," Lizzy already knew who Pepper was. "I love your hair colour."

"Hi, I'm Clara Oswin Oswald," a girl with long brown hair and fringe smiled. "Do you like soufflé?"

"Me next," a girl with dark hair pushed through. "I'm Maria Hill. Are you any good at netball? I need some new blood on the team."

Lizzy didn't get time to respond because the gaggle of girls were interrupted by three others, Lizzy didn't recognise them from 9A so they were probably in another class. Lizzy could tell by the way Nat, Maria, Pepper, and Clara Oswald all responded that the three girls were trouble. The girl in front had long wavy, dark hair and bright red lipstick on, the girls behind her looked liked clones. Lizzy was uncomfortable just standing in their presence and when the lead girl opened her mouth, she wanted to cringe away in fear.

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