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"Oh, the new girl," the ring leader smirked nastily, rubbing her red lips together seductively. "Irene Adler. This is Pansy Parkinson and Astoria Greengrass."

"Lizzy Watts," Lizzy glared at Irene's tone. "What do you want?"

Irene's clones sniggered and Irene held a hand up to silence them. "Just saying hi. See you around."

Lizzy watched the girls leave, snickering and casting icy glances behind them as they went, and let out a whistle.

"That was intense," Lizzy joked. "Who the hell are they?"

"They're the Mean Girls of Year 9," Nat explained, guiding Lizzy and the others to English. "Irene is James Moriarty's girlfriend, horrible couple, Pansy is dating the snotty rich kid Draco Malfoy, and Astoria just third wheels everything, she's got a thing for Malfoy too, she's also got an older sister, Daphne, in Year 11."

"She's a total bitch." Maria piped up.

"Definitely." Pepper and Clara agreed together.

Maria then turned to Clara and had an interested look on her face. "The Doctor was quite quiet today, did you two have a lovers tiff?"

Clara blushed furiously. "We're not together! You know he's a bit of a player anyway, first Rose Tyler - don't forget she left because of him - then Donna Noble, then that girl, what was her name?"

"Oh yeah, her," Pepper thought hard for a moment, clicking her fingers. "Martha Jones or something."

"Yeah, her, then he came back with a completely new haircut that made him look completely different and hooked up with Amy Pond, broke her poor heart and she ended up crying to Rory," Clara frowned. "I like the Doctor, he's just too irresponsible and childish."

"Try dating Clint," Nat chuckled. "He's always going on about archery and the Hunger Games, it's so annoying."

Lizzy laughed, she liked to hear about the other girls and their own lives rather than have all the attention on her. Unfortunately the bliss of invisibility didn't last long because, as the five girls lined up with the rest of 9A for English with Mr Spock, Lizzy's four new friends rounded on her with smiles.

"So, spotted anyone you like yet?" Nat inquired.

Lizzy blushed and shook her head unconvincingly, the girls squealed and looked at each other excitedly before prying even more. They seemed like good natured people.

"Who? Who is it?" Maria squeaked.

"If it's Thor," Clara went dreamy. "I so don't blame you."

Pepper patted Lizzy's arm excitedly and practically swooned. "Or Steve," then remembered someone else. "Don't forget Sherlock's curly hair!"

"You're already in a relationship." Maria snorted to Pepper.

"So's Nat." Pepper pointed.

Nat held her hands up innocently. "I'm not the one dribbling over other boys."

"Whatever," Pepper turned back to Lizzy. "So, spill the beans."

"Well, I haven't even spoke to him yet," Lizzy mumbled and felt the blush creeping back to her cheeks. "Steve's quite cute though."

The four girls nodded in agreement and looked over, completely indiscreetly, at the tall, muscly back of Steve Rogers. They continued to giggle until the classroom door was opened and the class began to file in. Lizzy went to go sit with Nat but was stopped by a much taller figure with dark hair, almost a bowl cut, who was looking down at her with a bored face.

"You must be Elizabeth Watts," Mr Spock drawled slightly. "My lessons are organised by seating plan so I've put you next to Mr Holmes and Mr Watson."

Lizzy nodded and allowed Mr Spock to direct her to her seat, a boy with dark curly hair, obviously Sherlock from Pepper's description of his hair, and a boy two seats down with sandy hair and a kind face - there was a free seat between them. Lizzy went over nervously and hoped they weren't as obnoxious as Tony.

"Hello, it's Lizzy right?" The sandy haired boy smiled and patted the free seat. "I'm John Watson, this is Sherlock Holmes."

"Yeah, hi," Lizzy sat down. "It's lovely to meet you."

"You seem nervous." John said with a kind smile.

Sherlock snorted and opened his workbook. "Of course she is John, look at her hands. Obvious deduction."

Lizzy looked wildly at John for an explanation. "You'll get used to it." Was John's reply.

Sherlock surveyed Lizzy with clever eyes and searched her as though she was an open book, they were silent for a moment and then Sherlock opened his mouth to speak.

"Your parents have recently divorced, you moved here for a new start," Sherlock listed quickly. "You're eager to make a good impression but you're nervous about making a fool of yourself, why?"

Lizzy was shocked by how easily Sherlock had read her, it was as though she could read her mind or something crazy like that.

"I was considered a bit of a weirdo in my old school, I don't want that to happen again," Lizzy explained. "How did you know all that stuff about me?"

Sherlock smiled cockily and shrugged. "Your uniform is immaculate, been ironed twice, no, three times, and your body language suggests you want to make friends but you're extremely nervous which implies you don't want to attract any unwanted attention," Sherlock then picked up a book and thrust it into Lizzy's face. "Do you know Shakespeare?"

Lizzy stared at the cover of Macbeth and then sensed a joke. "Not personally, no," she smirked and heard John laugh but was serious after looking at Sherlock's unimpressed face. "Yeah, I know it quite well. I was the best at my old school."

"Not anymore you're not." Sherlock turned away from her and bent over his book.

Lizzy looked at John for answers and he meekly shrugged. "He's always like this, like I said you get used to it. He's the class nerd when it comes to anything English related."

"Anything else I should know about specialities whilst we're on the subject?" Lizzy picked up her own pen and wrote her name on her English workbook.

"Steve is captain of the rugby team for Year 9, Maria is netball captain, Nat is just all-round good at sport, some sort of martial arts freak so don't piss her off," John pointed at all the significant people. "Clint is like the son of Katniss Everdeen, Thor and Loki are History buffs and are constantly going on about their parents being archeologists, Bruce and Tony think themselves as the Science Bros, nearly blew up the chemistry lab last year, and Hermione just reads anything in sight or bums in the library whilst Harry and Ron try to piss Mr Snape off."

Lizzy laughed and thought to herself as the lesson started, This may not be so bad. So far everyone had been considerably nice and accepting which was a relief to Lizzy, everyone was so diverse that it was the most fascinating class she'd ever been in. She'd made friends with four really nice girls already and was well on her way with making friends with everyone in the class. So far, a good start to the day.

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