7th of April 2023

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I randomly remembered that this diary existed. So I logged back into this account and decided to confirm that I am indeed still alive. Happy almost four year anniversary to this series, I guess? I have no idea if I'll ever write here again. I might. I might not. But yeah. If anybody is reading this, whether that be soon or in a few years time - I hope you're doing well. 

Life update: I have graduated, I'm taking a gap year before college, and I'm working two jobs (none of which are the job I talked about getting in my last entry from August 2021. I quit that job after 3 weeks. It sucked. My boss was an asshole). I've met some pretty cool people. I have tickets for four concerts that I am going to see within the next year and a bit. I'm going on holidays to Spain with my friends this summer. I'm tired and absolutely burnt out from working all the time. I still stay up too late and don't sleep enough (as per usual, it is almost 3am as I write this). I am terrified of moving out to go to university this autumn, but I'm dead set on not going to the university that's a fifteen minute walk from my house. I'm also a legal adult now, which is wild. I am alive and trying to survive. 

I don't really think that I have much else that I want to write here at the moment. Here's to hoping that both you and I (dear reader), lead happy, healthy, and safe lives. And if you never hear from me again (although you very well might, if this diary crosses my mind again, and I have the desire to write in it), I hope that you find this possible goodbye to be a joyful one. May you look up at the sky with wonder, and feel the grass and dirt on your skin. And may you cringe just a little bit at my well-wishes. Because why not?

- Roses

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