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Somewhere around May June I decided I would follow and then read your works. We had someone close to us as our mutual friend, Aya. She talked about you, a-lot. She seemed very protective and fond of you. Maybe part of me wanted to see what it was about? Or maybe I just wanted to talk to you. Just wanted a reason because I would never text first. I put my ego aside and decided to text you.

We got to talking. We talked so much. I liked how you replied most of them would be Pft, tsk, haha, okay, Aye. 😑

You were polite. I could already tell you were a well-mannered human being. No wonder Aya was a fan.

We got close. Close friends, noticed how your change in the way you talked changed and you started replying a bit fast and attentively with long lines. You noticed so much and you cared. You made sure I knew you cared. Melted my heart.

My heart was stolen yet I kept breathing, don't know how I did that? Magic maybe?

We had hard days. Days we didn't talk. We had little arguments here and there. I knew I was falling, falling hard for you.

You made it clear, you don't date because of your worst history with people. We shared our experiences and what we did to overcome such days. I instantly knew I wanted you that day. I was listening to "get outta my head" by Khalid when I realized it was "you" I wanted. So that's why that song will always have a special place inside my heart.

Then I decided I'd confess, you politely declined. It didn't stop me. I knew we were meant to be because we had similar way of thinking when it came to a certain topic.

We talked and talked more. There were moments we'd let the moment take over and there were happy days.

What's happiness without sadness? Yes we had bad days. Gloomy days. Rainy days.

Like season our relationship changed and grew.

Like winter we had coldness sometimes then we had summer, we would melt in our own world and dip our minds in a cool pool to refresh abit. Like Autumn, we let our guards down and stripped naked showing who we truly were, showing every scars, every cuts, every bruise. And like Spring, we kissed every scars, grew a beautiful skin. Helped each other grow so much on a different level. It cannot be explained in a much clearer way considering there aren't any words which exists yet.

Then we parted ways for good because we knew it was unhealthy to adore someone so much. We decided we'd let time do the talking.

We both fooled around and somewhere deep inside we both knew what we wanted.

Meeting you at first gave me no clue that you would turn out to be so important to me. You've become my source of peace, joy, and love. I bless the day I gave you a chance in my life. Thank you for not making me regret that decision.

Then suddenly, one day, feb 25 to be precise(bet you don't know the date huh) We officiated our relationship. Gave it a name. Something I never in my dreams had thought to be true. Something I wanted so bad. I kept lying to myself that I don't want it.
  Psycumpath   ❤️
porntrait           ❤️

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